
Ardent Holiday Drive 2023!



11-08-2023, 08:48 PM (This post was last modified: 12-30-2023, 05:22 PM by Nyx. Edited 13 times in total.)
Ardent Annual Charity Drive

Once again we're doing a charity drive, mainly for Toys for Tots! This top-rated charity does a lot of good for children in need during the Christmas season and offers multiple ways to pay including PayPal, Credit Card, Crypto, and more! Here is a good, neutral review of the charity from a third party if you're interested (TLDR; it's a great charity).

This year we're also expanding this to allow more flexibility. We will allow you to donate to any charity within reason (just get it OKed by Nyx or an event staff member first if you're not sure if it will apply). This could include donating to a closer-to-home charity, clothing donations, community service, food donations, and much more! Just talk to us and come up with proof of donation, and we'll work something out! For physical donations, include your username/alias in photos to validate your donation. Volunteer donations would require proof of community service hours.

As usual, entering will give you a chance to win some fun prizes, detailed below.

How to Participate

  1. Each $1 USD (or equivalent) that you donate will earn you one raffle ticket.
  2. Until December 19 at 11:59 pm PST, you can donate online or in person, and DM proof of donation to Nyx to receive your tickets!
  3. On December 20th, we will draw separate winners for 3 different packages!

Raffle Prizes

  1. Major Mutation Pass - Allows one major mutation for a new character. Subject to staff approval.

  2. Gay Litter Pass - Allows a same-sex couple to have a litter, provided they meet the other usual breeding requirements. Pups can get discounts from both parents.

  3. Lil Ardy Merch Bundle - A set of Lil Ardy stickers, an Ardent-related merchandise item of your choosing from Redbubble valued around $25 or less (examples include sets of magnets, small blankets, etc... you can choose Ardent art or your own personal character art), a 3D printed Lil Ardy figurine, and a set of seasonal Ardenteas.

Milestone Rewards

If we raise over $500 USD as a whole, we will release three new ready-to-explore lands!  The largest donor will also receive a large Ardent-themed blanket of their choosing (could be land art, map art, or your provided character art).

If we raise over $1,000 USD as a whole, the largest donor will get a new site skin featuring art of their character! This art can either be provided by you or commissioned from an artist of your choosing (within reason) [all details are subject to approval].

Post below to claim your tickets. Proof can either be posted or DMed over Discord to Nyx, whichever you prefer.

Raffle Tickets

Ali - 255 Tickets
Asena - 10 Tickets
Beau - 9 Tickets
Bunni - 103 Tickets
Dragon - 25 Tickets
Jackal - 150 Tickets
Lunarcat7 - 35 Tickets
Seadragonness - 591 Tickets
Shard - 15 Tickets

Total = $1,193