
An Un-pheasant Situation

[ Halloween Thread ]



Novice Fighter (15)

Beginner Hunter (0)

4 Years
11-08-2023, 10:53 PM

The two women carefully made their way through the long tunnel and made it to the end unscathed. Their paw steps echoed in the new room as they approached. Varushka marveled at the icy structures that seemed like they must have once been an elaborate shrine. “What happened to this place?” she said under her breath, not expecting a reply. Ahead of them the room opens out and there is more frigid water with jagged ice floating on the surface. Past the water there appears to be a long expanse of ice and some sunlight shining through a small opening that likely leads out of the castle. Another chill ran down her spine at the thought of the ice cold water. She really didn’t want to fall in, she still hadn’t fully dried from their swim earlier. The cold was numbing her extremities but she knew they had to go on. Tilting her head, Varushka considered her options. The ice floats looked as though they could be close enough together to jump from berg to berg. However, if she made a mistake the price to pay could be hypothermia. Glancing to her guide and then back to the icy water, she considered her strategy to get them out of there. Surely she could spot a safe path across. She scanned the water going through the paths in her mind trying to find the safest looking one.

[Varushka wants to roll for wisdom!]


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1. An Un-pheasant Situation Rustling Thicket 09:20 PM, 10-17-2023 05:17 AM, 05-01-2024