
Won't you Shake a Poor Sinner's Hand?



Advanced Fighter (115)

Advanced Hunter (100)

2 Years
Extra large

Critical Attack!
11-09-2023, 04:50 PM

The lanky young male keeps pace with his sister as they approach the borders of Valta. As they had traveled, worry has begun to gnaw a hole in his stomach because he knows just how exhausted she gets. The fact that they need to stop and rest often was the first sign and, whenever Mariah would try to apologize, the purple boy would simply wave it away, shushing her because he understands her limitations… probably better than she does. Mar can be a but stubborn when it comes to that fact and she might not wish to acknowledge them but Malico has never once thought any less of her simply because her body is different.

All the worry that Malico has felt for his sister in mostly kept hidden behind a mask of quiet encouragement and understanding because he doesn’t want to annoy her. Sometimes, it might slip and peek through but, in spite of that worry, the purple boy remains proud of her. They reach the threshold of the pack and he pulls to stop beside his red- hued sister, turning his blue gaze down to where she is. The subtle half-grin is not missed by the taller boy and he cracks a wide smirk leaning in to lovingly nuzzle the top of Mar’s head as he softly offers, “You got this!”

It is meant to be encouraging and, as he pulls back, the boy offers her a wink of reassurance.  Mariah seats herself and Malico does the same, settling lightly on the ground as he waits to see who will answer his sister’s call. A tall, earthen male does not keep them waiting long and as the stranger looks them over, he offers the pair his name. With a dip of his head in polite greeting, the boy says, “I am Malico Mendacium and it is a pleasure to meet you.” With that, he lapses into silence, allowing Mar steer the conversation while he sits protectively beside her.

"Malico Mendacium"

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1. Won't you Shake a Poor Sinner's Hand? Monument Rapids 08:06 PM, 10-30-2023 09:34 AM, 02-29-2024