
does anyone want a puppy for christmas?!

Jael + pack AW


Raiders Hollow

Intermediate Healer (30)

Intermediate Hunter (30)

1 Year

Pride - DemisexualPride - Bisexual
11-09-2023, 07:03 PM

From the confines of his greenhouse, the booming of his father's howl was nearly deafening as it rattled the windows. He lifted his head from the aggressive digging that had been occupying the better part of his morning, and off he went to see what all the fuss was about. Spindly, awkward limbs were shoved awkwardly through the fissure in the concrete wall that served as his only entry and exit. As time went on.. it seemed to be turning into a tighter squeeze. A problem for future Nim, certainly. He didn't bother to clear the scraps of vegetation or clods of soggy dirt that clung to his greyscale pelt, more concerned with seeing what his dad was unveiling.

Bedraggled and grinning from ear to ear, he wandered into the courtyard to see a very tiny canine clinging to his father's flank. Oh! Oh this was awful! He was already being replaced!

Brow furrowed and tail flagging over his hocks, he marched up as scary as he could manage, leaving a trail of dirt in his wake. The little storm cloud of a boy lumbered up close to get a good look at this weirdo. Floppy ears, like a baby. That was all he needed to confirm his suspicions, his dad had brought home a new kid, specifically to replace Nimbus. A new kid with really fluffy fur, and markings that looked a lot more like Gil's than the grey pup's did. Frowning even harder so that this new kid couldn't see the tears brimming in his little red eyes. "Who're you?" he barked, and then looked up at his dad's towering form. "Who's that? What's she here for?" there was an edge of panic in his tone, because he was a child who, due to being a child, didn't understand subtlety.

The new child had a brace on her leg, so clearly they were taking care of her like a baby. Nim couldn't believe this, he'd already been replaced with a fluffier kid they rescued from... a bear or something. What did he do to deserve this?!


raindrops by sqdpxl

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1. does anyone want a puppy for christmas?! Daager Isle 05:53 PM, 11-08-2023 02:07 PM, 02-01-2024