
Snow Angels



Advanced Fighter (95)

Beginner Healer (0)

3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
11-09-2023, 07:27 PM

Rather than providing a reasonable response to the question, Ichor provided him with a set of sharp claws tracking up his hind leg and onto his spine. Thankfully he was about three times his twin's size, or that might have broken his back. He was equally thankful that the talons had gone to him, and not Ichor- at least in this moment. However, he could feel the warm welling of blood in a trail up his thigh and hip. Lovely.

Now that Ichor had a view of the strange fae that was busily rummaging through snow drifts and casting a soft glow against the surrounding powder, it seemed like neither of them were particularly certain about what they were looking at. When the she wolf raised her head, she brought a pair of antlers up with her, coated in snow. For a moment, the three wolves stared mutely at each other, before the fae replied to his initial question in a very.. distinct accent. The odd-eyed male wasn't certain he'd ever heard one quite like that before. She asked if they were the drinking type, holding her prize aloft in her jaws.

With a roll of his shoulders and a shake of his pelt, he rudely dislodged his twin from between his shoulders. "If I ever turn down a free drink, I should be put down immediately." he quipped with a grin, sauntering closer. As he approached, he found himself dwarfed by the fae in height. Though he noted that he probably had more bulk working in his favour. He hesitated a few steps shy of the stranger, tipping an ear back to check that his twin was still alive. "I'm Viscera, this is my brother Ichor. You are..?"


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1. Snow Angels Tall Grass Plains 10:07 PM, 10-14-2023 01:20 PM, 03-08-2024