
Caught at the Crossroads

Rivin < 3



Expert Healer (170)

Master Fighter (260)

2 Years
Dire wolf

ScarredCritical Fail!OverachieverSamhain 2022Statue 2 Worship
11-09-2023, 08:08 PM

Her brother would echo her sentiment, and Rivin managed a small, sad smile at that. They were alike in many ways, getting along just fine. But she supposed all good things came to an end. As he thanked her, the horned girl gave a nod. “I was happy to be there. For you. For us.” Though she did not thank him the same way out loud, as she let her green gaze fix on her brother that gratitude reflected in her eyes. The she-wolf knew her brother was someone she could count on. Had always known, really, and him moving on, away from the pack was going to be an adjustment. She had Jack… and she was trying with Diablo, but she doubted their bond would be as solid as hers with Aresenn.

His next statement, and thoughts about the pack, earned a snort from the femme. “No kidding. Dad’s solution of us getting training from the other wolves in the pack was a joke. I don’t think he realizes how ass backwards his ‘solution’ was.” A heavy sigh left her lips. She had no recollection after snapping at her father what even happened in that cave. Her gaze fell and her ears slid back as Aresenn spoke. He wasn’t wrong. They had needed guidance and when they didn’t get it they were the ones looked at as if they had done something wrong. That was something she was bitter about, even if Aresenn said he wouldn’t hold it against them. She… would take some time until she was okay with how things were. That was just how she was.

Rivin lifted her gaze back to Aresenn as he continued to speak. “Sephiran, huh? That was the purple yearling at our party, right?” She remembered him, at least vaguely. The alcohol had started taking effect by the time the spar occurred and she noticed him, but she had some memory of the other male. “If he gives you direction, Aresenn, then you follow it. Go where you want to go.” She meant those words, offering her brother a more reassuring smile.

“He’s moving us to the islands in the west. Some seclusion while we get our shit together I think.” Rivin shrugged. “We’ll… see how that goes. Honestly… If it wasn’t for Calico Jack I’m not sure if I’d be staying at all myself.” That smile fell. “...I’m not even sure if one wolf is the best reason to stay… but he was the first one outside of you that really took an interest in me outside of the kids our age. Well… the only one, really.” Rivin lowered her gaze once more.

“He’s a good friend, and if he is willing to give Gil a shot… I think I will too. But if things continue to go south… I dunno… maybe I’ll come find you and Sephiran...” She sighed. She hated the mixed feelings about her decision to stay. She just hoped that it would be the right choice for her in the end.

"Speech," 'Thought.'

Rivin has two companions - a bobcat and a wolverine. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

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1. Caught at the Crossroads Obsidian Beach 09:35 AM, 06-13-2023 08:06 AM, 01-30-2024