
What's The Story, Morning Glory?

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1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
11-10-2023, 08:03 PM

Avacyn offered Haydée a kind smile as she looked up at her with surprise at the questioning of how her family was holding up in the wake of their father's murder and her offer of assistance should any of them need it. She knew that Ethne and Elysium were not allies–at least not yet–and she had only just met Haydée so maybe it was surprising for her to be so willing to help, but she had always been one of the more empathetic members of her family. She couldn't just see someone going through something so unimaginably difficult and not at least see if there was something she could do to make that burden a little less difficult. She had a feeling that if the roles were reversed then the new Ethne Leader would give her the same kindness.

There was a lull of silence as they walked before Haydée finally shared the strange nature of grief and how it impacted some differently than other–which she of course knew well herself–and how her mother had gotten lost in it. She frowned a bit with concern at that. While she had only spoken with Bellamy once before, the woman had been kind to her and nice to speak with so it was hard to hear that the weight of her mate's death was impacting her so dramatically. While Haydée didn't share any details of how it had impacted Bellamy, seeing the younger woman start to drift off into her own thoughts at the mention of how she had almost lost her mother to her grief told her enough. There was a silence that followed as they walked a bit further, but eventually Avacyn stopped Haydée with a gentle paw on her shoulder.

Once she had Haydée's gaze on her again, Ava gave her another small, sympathetic smile. "Make sure you're taking care of yourself as well, okay? Your mother is lucky to have children like you looking out for her through this time, but you've taken on a lot for her and for your family... I've done a poor job prioritizing myself at times for the same reason so don't make the same mistakes I've made."

"Avacyn Mendacium"

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1. What's The Story, Morning Glory? The Rock Garden 03:49 PM, 09-12-2023 01:26 PM, 02-11-2024