
Walk my Days on a Wire




Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
11-11-2023, 12:58 AM

The coming of spring felt oh so bitter sweet, but very much needed all the same. She had pretty much grown up in the more northern parts of Boreas and over the last couple of years had grown quite used to the colder weather the region tended to get, but that didn't mean she wasn't relieved to feel some warmer breezes and see some of the snow begin to melt. However, the noticeably gray and cloudy skies felt like a reflection of her own feelings about the passage of time. This were moving forward and perhaps improving in some ways while some things were immovably the same. The frequent rains had put a damper on her plans to pay another visit to some of the other alphas that she hadn't seen since the start of her reign so she was taking advantage of this rare gap in the rains to try and cover some distance through Boreas.

Crossing the rustling thicket and walking around the base of the looming volcano had taken up the better portion of the morning so by the time she made it to the nook the sun was nearly at its highest point in the sky–not that she could really see it past the thick layer of cloud cover. Every once in a while she might catch a glimpse of sunlight as the breeze pushed the clouds along, but for the most part her trip was made in the shadows of these heavy, foreboding clouds. She always made a point of stopping in the nook whenever she was making these trips through Boreas, however–especially in the spring. The explosion of pink blossoms was beautiful and they never failed to bring at least a small smile to her face as she slowly strolled through them. It was evident that the heavy rains had taken their toll on the delicate flowers and they were not as full or plentiful this year. It felt almost poetic as she paused to look at one of the trees, her white-marked ears flicking a bit at the sight. Sighing, Avacyn continued on, using this opportunity to rest a bit before she picked up the pace a bit to make it to Ashen before nightfall.

"Avacyn Medacium"

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1. Walk my Days on a Wire Redbud Nook 12:58 AM, 11-11-2023 05:20 AM, 05-01-2024