
Baby Steps




Master Fighter (245)

Expert Intellectual (191)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantLoser
11-11-2023, 02:33 AM
Ciná shifted his gaze back down to Tira when she questioned him about whether or not he missed Fenmyre and he looked back up at the tropical foliage thoughtfully. "Yes and no... I miss certain parts of it," he explained after a moment. "Chimera was the first wolf willing to take me in after Ignis let his pack crumble and I distanced myself from my old family. Fenmyre was the first place that really felt like home and like someone actually gave a shit about me. So... I guess I miss what it was for me back then more than anything else." He glanced back down at Tira then, a little, sly grin tugging at the corners of his lips. "I've found something even better than that though. Maybe there is something to the whole fate thing," he said with a pointed look before he refocused on the path ahead of them just as the greenhouse began to come into view.

Tira of course darted on ahead with a notable excitement at the sight of the huge glass structure filled with all sorts of different plants and Ciná couldn't help the grin that crossed his lips as he watched her. She was at her most attractive and adorable when she was eager and excited about something. The way she pranced forward to investigate the greenhouse with her ears bobbing with each step and her tail curled high over her back... She was always the cutest and hottest wolf he had ever seen, but he loved when she was in her element like this. "Yeah, yeah," he replied with a chuckle as she had her moment of "I told you so" about the vibrancy of the plants inside. As they stepped inside he was immediately hit with that strong sent of plants and earth. He tipped his head back till he spotted the open gap in the roof of this place as she pointed out the reason why this place was still so moist and alive after all this time. With that mystery solved all that was left was to see what they could find to take back home with them.

Ciná had no hope of distinguishing one herb from another so he mostly just followed Tira as she wound her way through the rows and rows of herbs, clearly pleased and excited by everything she found as she went about systematically collecting some of just about everything they passed. He noticed when she took a particular interest with a certain section of the garden, raising a questioning brow when he saw the grin on her face as she plucked away even more of these plants. She quickly revealed what had her so interested when she turned a teasing smirk toward him, questioning what he had been up to in Fenmyre and pointing out the mass amount of contraceptives that were grown here. It caught him off guard enough to make him sputter a bit and chuckle, rolling his eyes with a grin. "I personally was up to very little in that regard, unfortunately. Chimera, however, was up to quite a lot. I believe he had... three queens if I remember correctly? And another lady and maybe a man... It was hard to keep track of them all." His grin grew with a sly naughtiness as he leaned forward to nip playfully at her hip as he added, "You might as well gather plenty of those now though since I'm making up for lost time with you."

"Cináed & Satira"