
Wake Me Up When September Ends



11-06-2013, 11:23 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

She seemed so upset, and Mercianne knew well enough that it was all justified. Her whole family had disappeared rather suddenly, leaving the poor girl alone and lacking the care and companionship that family provided. It was a wonder at all that she had decided to stay back waiting for them rather than marching right off into the world to see if she might find them herself, which would have surely placed her in all sorts of dangers. Possibly even the same sort of dangers that Merci's own daughter was having to deal with right now. Her strong mother's instincts made her curl herself more snugly beside the girl, to hold her that much tighter to reassure her that she was not alone, that there was still someone in the great, wide, intimidating world that still cared and would be there for her. She had failed to instill that properly in Kestrel, but she had every intention of making up for that now in every way that she could.

There was no rush to Mercianne as she allowed the girl to cry, placing soft, soothing licks to the back of her head to let her know that she was still there. And eventually Oracle did manage to get herself put to rights again, at least enough so to draw back and apologize for her sudden distress. The healer only smiled knowingly, tenderly, not holding what had happened against her in the slightest. She too needed days and moments where she simply let go and let everything come crashing down on her rather than continue on with the weight of it resting upon her shoulders. When asked if she could stay the night, Mercianne immediately nodded, adding quietly, "My den is always open to you."

Herbs and plants might have been on hand and at the ready for more possible growing pains, but hunger was one thing the creamy white wolf had not anticipated. There was no ready offers when Oracle spoke of food, and the expression upon Merci's face became considerably more apologetic. "I'm afraid I don't," she answered guiltily, "but I might be able to get something for you?" Her hunting skills were still rusty after having her children and then losing Kestrel. Most of her time went to watching the boys protectively and actively searching for her missing child. Only Knight seemed to remain conscious of her body's need for sustenance, reminding her to eat and even going so far as to bring her small meals to get by. But a small hunting expedition would do her good, and she supposed from the sound of Oracle it would do good for her too.

OOC: Of course! c: All Ocena's and Gargie's kids are welcome.