
An Un-pheasant Situation

[ Halloween Thread ]



Novice Fighter (15)

Beginner Hunter (0)

4 Years
11-12-2023, 09:02 PM

Leaping from ice flow to ice flow Varushka lead the two of them safely across the freezing water. With a sigh of relief she turned to the blue furred female to make sure she had joined her safely on the other side. She was grateful to have found a safe way across, but worry began to gnaw at her stomach once more. The terrain was getting rougher now, how many more obstacles still stood in their way? What reason could the mysteriously quiet she wolf have for taking them here? Scanning the room, she set her eyes on the light coming from a gap not far from them now. Hopefully that would be the end of this cold dark place. Before they got much further, what Varu had thought was sturdy ice beneath their paws began to crack and water sputtered up from below. The girls braced themselves as the ice broke apart more violently, nearly sending them overboard into the cold dark water. A heartbeat of silent stillness swept over them and the brown female wondered what had caused the sudden breaking of their path to freedom? Varushka neared the edge of their large ice raft, and peered over the edge into the depths. Spotting movement below, she backed up in alarm barking a warning to her accomplice who only seemed to look at her with anxiety but not surprise like she herself felt. Suddenly, a large blue worm-like creature breached the water with an ear piercing shriek. Somehow she knew it’s name was Francis and that it was her job to defeat him. Now the question of how would she defeat such a creature? Varushka felt rather small to take on such a large and powerful looking foe. Not being particularly strong or smart, she was average and knew her best bet would be to find its weak point. Maybe with a solid plan and the help of the blue woman beside her, together they could bring Francis down and put and end to his havoc.

[Varushka chose to roll for Wisdom!]


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1. An Un-pheasant Situation Rustling Thicket 09:20 PM, 10-17-2023 05:17 AM, 05-01-2024