
Leave a light on




Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
11-12-2023, 11:44 PM

Avacyn fought against her own tears as she kissed away Saracyn's, her feline-like paws gently cupping his cheeks as she kissed away each and every tear that fell from his familiar blue gaze. She would likely never know a pain and a torment like she felt losing their pups, but seeing the way that it had torn Saracyn's self worth and confidence apart was a close second. As he spoke of his wishes to be able to give her the thing she had wanted more than anything and how he was the reason for the fact that she didn't have her children right now... how his pride had killed their children... She wanted to shake him out of it. She wanted to yell at him that none of it was true. Instead, as he shook his head and shrank into himself even further, Avacyn settled for holding his face in a more firm grip, her brows pulling together with a more firm, stern look while she waited for his eyes to meet hers once more.

"This. Is. Not. Your. Fault," she said firmly, willing him to actually listen and take her words to heart. "I chose this. I chose you. You are no more at fault than I am. Do you understand me?" She refused to loosen her grip until he acknowledged her and she let out a slow sigh as her paws began to rub gently over his ears, down his neck, over his shoulders–feeling over the tension that sat in every muscle and trying to tease that tension even slightly. "I knew there was a chance that things could go this way and I could have stopped this pregnancy before it really began, but... I wanted to take the chance. I wanted to chase that slim chance that everything could go well. I wanted to believe that the Ancients would protect them... But that was a foolish thought. We've spit in the faces of the Ancients and knowingly gone against their laws... Why did I ever expect the Ancients to protect our children that they never meant to be?"

Her gaze grew distant as she spoke, her eyes drifting down toward his chest as her paws rested there for a moment, lost in thought as she considered the role she had played in all of this as well. "It was worth the risk to try," she decided finally, her toes lightly massaging over his chest. "If things had gone well... Gods, every day and hour I spent suffering would have been so unbelievably worth it," she added quietly, her voice catching with emotion as tears began to well up in her eyes again. Eventually she pulled her gaze back up to his as she blinked away the tears. "We'll find a way to be parents one way or another. It won't be in the way we wanted, but... I wouldn't want to be a parent if it wasn't with you. You are my everything and I need you now more than ever." Avacyn tipped her muzzle forward to press a tender kiss to the end of his nose, giving him a pleading look. "I need my brother. My mate. My twin. Please?"

"Avacyn & Saracyn"

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