



7 Years
11-06-2013, 11:55 PM

Surreal completely missed her mark, as her enemy brought down Pontifex and managed to face her head on in time. So instead, she collided with the larger male?s chest, halting his progress, but bruising her right shoulder and affecting her balance. Quickly, her mind snapped through solutions, and found one. So instead of trying to dart out from danger, she lowered herself further, almost laying down in a sphinx position, before attempting to lean hard in against the male?s left front leg,hoping to knock the leg out of the balance stance, simultaneously craning her head sideways and up in an attempt to latch her jaws onto the opponent?s throat, chest, or lower jaw. Whatever she managed to grasp, she would bear down on it in an attempt to strangle his breathing or immobilize his jaw.

Teeth connected with her upper back and she flinched away, forcing herself not to give a growl. Then his weight began to press down on her, and she attempted she shove upward into the male's chest, hoping to throw him off, tightening her jaws on whatever was between her teeth, before throwing herself to the left, hoping to rip away whatever she had in her jaws, clenching her teeth as she felt his teeth sear through the flesh in her back, tearing away a three inch strip of flesh and fur. She came to her paws and automatically fell into a squared stance, neck scrunching back into her shoulders, which rolled forward to protect her neck, her hackles raising, and her ears pinned back flat to her skull.

Surreal tucked her chin to her chest , narrowing her eyes as she forced herself to ignore the pain in her upper back. Abdomen muscles tensed and her toes splayed, claws seeking traction in the soil as she readied herself for his next move.

Fight Stats

Surreal vs Jet for Knockout
Round: 1 of 2

Defenses: Attacking his underside is some form of defense as it could hopefully make him pull away. Flinching away when his teeth connect with her back. shoving upward into Jet in an attempt to shove him off of her as he starts trying to pin her. Throwing herself to the left. Once on her feet: Squared stance, rolled shoulders scrunched neck, hackles raised, ears pinned, eyes narrowed, tucked chin to protect the neck, tensed abdomen, tucked tail, splayed toes, and claws digging into the ground for traction

Attacks: Dropping down to her belly, and trying to basically shove into his left front leg in an attempt to knock him off balance. Attempting to fasten her jaws around his chest, neck, or lower jaw and apply pressure on whatever she gets a hold on. (If she gets the jaw, for example, she will try to apply the pressure to immobilize it. If she gets the neck/throat, the pressure she hopes to apply will either cut off his air, or threaten to do worse damage. Chest will have the least damage should it be what she gets, if she manages to fasten on anything at all, though there is the hope that anything she does get might make him pull away.)

Injuries: Heavy Bruising to the right shoulder. Bruising and three inch gash in her upper back (Just below her shoulderblade area)

Out Of Character Notes: This has to be one of the messiest fight posts I have ever done.

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.