



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
11-07-2013, 12:45 AM (This post was last modified: 11-07-2013, 12:48 AM by Erani.)

Erani nodded gently at the younger female?s remark, noting the thoughtful expression that was pushed away beforehand. ?Yes, we are. Most of us at least. There?s always one or two that walk a slightly different path. I learned honor and Healing, as well as fighting in my Birth Pack, Redwood Pack. There was still so much to be learned when our enemy wiped my pack out. My mother and father were both Lead Healer. But honor was taught to me by our Alphas. I didn?t know it then, but they had chosen me to take their place, as my Aunt Adaina was barren and could produce no Heirs.? Why was she sharing this, she wondered. Perhaps part of it was to keep this female centered and focused on conversation while her body worked on readying itself for labor. Her words were issued in a low, melodic tone, almost like a storyteller.

She turned away from the opening of the small den and returned to the female?s side, checking her over, one ear cocking to take in her question. ?No, but he has already made an impression on a great deal of wolves, and not for the good. He started a war over a bruised ego. Many have suffered, on both sides. I don?t doubt that he has the mindset of a mountain once it?s made up. But even mountains can move, over time.? A sharp glance was given at the female?s next words. ?Then those who have said that are fools. You are a healer. Carry your knowledge with pride, and don?t let the high heads get to you.? Erani watched as Eris consumed the plants she had given, nodding as the last one vanished. The Motherwart and Cohosh would take effect in a matter of minutes, perhaps less.

She took in the next words, these intertwined with rising pain, with a quiet look of acknowledgement as she moved behind the female, settling back onto her haunches to watch alertly as the contractions grew in strength and speed. The pup that arrived was massive, and un-moving. She watched as the female rose to tear the sac away and clean it, and knew already that the pup was stillborn. ?This one is gone, but there may still be hope. Rest a moment, then keep pushing. The bit of Valerian should be kicking in soon.? Gently, she lowered her head and lifted the limp body away, to make room for the next bundle.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think