
Snowmelt festival!


11-13-2023, 08:07 PM
The cold temperatures had done little to deter young Leaf from spending the majority of the sunlit moments outside of the den to take a leisurely stroll through Avalon’s lands. It was still cold, too cold to work the earth and mess with the fields… but soon there would be a sea of green and plants to watch grow. She could hardly wait for those days, and she hoped that she could convince one of her siblings to join her. She didn’t have a true goal in mind yet, she just knew she wanted to tend to the overgrow fields and bring about order somehow. But where to begin, when they were as mixed as they were? It would likely take seasons of work to fix, but Leaf wouldn’t be deterred by that. She looked at the task as a challenge she would eagerly tackle.

As night began to fall she heard Corbie’s call across the pack lands and made her way toward the barn. She had been aware of the Alpha gathering things and bringing them to the barn, though she hadn’t gone up to ask her what was going on. Instead Leaf had waited, knowing that in time all would be revealed. With the air getting colder now that it was night, she was thankful to step into the barn and approach the crackling fire. Her brother was already there, and another member of the pack too. Leaf would grin as she came to flop beside Merlin, catching sight of him popping food in his mouth.

“How is it? Good?” She asked, referring to the meat he just had.

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1. Snowmelt festival! The Range 03:56 PM, 11-06-2023 04:50 PM, 03-04-2024