
Large Pile of Sand



10 Years
09-17-2013, 10:31 AM

She had been so focused on getting her kingdom organized that she had forgotten to tell Baskilisk about her parents. Their identities weren't new to her, but she didn't know if anyone else felt the same. Then again, why give him information if he didn't ask for it? Odette's mind ticked differently than any other pup she knew, but she didn't know that at such a young age. After finding another shell that sparkled in the light, she rolled it to her slowly growing pile and looked at her newfound 'knight'. "Gargoyle and Ocena," she said simply. Her tail began to wag behind her as she thought of her dad's massive form standing next to her mother's petite frame. "I look like Papa more than Mama, but I have Mama's eyes." She smiled. "At least, that's what they tell me."
Odette's brightly lit orbs watched Bask's face as she sat there, finally getting his reaction. She blinked twice and then said, "I'm glad to hear that you won't hurt me. I don't see any reason why you would want to, aside from me being a better treasure hunter than you." Even at such a young age, Odette had a good sense of humor. "And whatever that something is, I don't mind it. Just letting you know if it creeps into your mind later." She broke away from his gaze and started to look at the sand around her. Her little front paws began to stomp with each step she took, hoping to find a new piece for her treasure pile. It was indeed quite a cute scene, with the sand flying up and down in a showering cascade of sparkles on either side of her form.
Her ears now perked, his question reached them with ease and she turned to look up in mid stomp. Twinkling eyes reached the purple opts that were the gateways to his soul, but she didn't dive too deep into them when she answered his question. "As long as my subjects approve of my actions and how well I treat them." Her face broke into a smile, tail slowly wagging again as she looked away from him again and stomped on the chosen piece of beach. A gentle ping met her ears and she dug up an old-fashioned hand bell. Her eyes lit up and she dragged it from the handle back to her pile.
Once she laid it gently across the stones, Odette focused on Baskilisk again. "I want a kingdom that is fair, has others in it that want to be there and help others, and show others what kind of a kingdom I rule when they go out and meet strangers." She then said in a loud whisper, "I wouldn't complain if they told those people I was a beautiful Queen, too." Odette giggled and blinked as she asked, "What kind of kingdom do you want to have?"

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