
Desicions, Desicions


09-17-2013, 10:56 AM (This post was last modified: 09-17-2013, 10:57 AM by Ryker.)
The lady Claire was from Valhalla too; so his nose was right at the scent of their pack. Ryker wasn't sure if he liked standing around for too long, he was now yearning to return home. Boredom began to grow in his mind, Ryker wondered if anything exciting would happen. Soon enough something did, the creature spoke up as a prince Vask or Siberia! White lined ears perked up at the mention of the place and title.

"Сибирь России?!?! Мой отец оттуда, он тоже, но князь его батарея полностью разряжена. Но он называет мою сестру своей маленькой принцессы. Ваш пакет все еще жив? Th eonly оставшиеся вещи моего отца Его Королевское родословной.." he said to Vask

Maybe if his father was a prince he was a prince too? Ryker would have to ask about what really happened. He was always so secretive or never seemed quite comfortable talking about it. Soon enough the boy realized he didn't even know if Vask spoke the tongue of the mother nation. Ryker also thought his sister was always the best student; she always spoke fluently with father.Maybe this Vask could tell Ryker about Russia! The boy has always wanted to return to the mother country but he knew his father would have him here and only here. Well...if he did only his actions would make his father sad to see him go. Perhaps he should go with him?

Confused Ryker slightly shook his head at himself. Looking at himself he felt ashamed for wanting to leave these lands, his home. The lands he was conceived in, born in, and raised in. Even though he wasn't a pure Russian like father the boy still had a longing in his heart for the lands. Maybe he could go with cousin Augustus? Cousin Auggie is the odd one out for sure, part of his father's pack and the pack that killed them. With a shiver down his back Ryker remembered the story. He soon was grateful he wasn't Auggie. It would be hard to know your own grandparents of each side killed off one another. Such an odd way to be created, something so god coming from opposites...

Ryker then looked back at the pup and offering a friendly smile. What was he doing, thinking this much. Ryker feared he was becoming a replica of his father, he sure looked like his father but with a bit of his mother mixed in. The boy needed to talk to the man who gave him life...words were to be exchanged later.

So now all he could do was sit and wait for an answer from Vask; and hopefully a smile back from the pup.