
star light, star bright, what stars can we see tonight?




Master Intellectual (265)

Expert Navigator (230)

1 Year

11-14-2023, 04:03 PM
Her father's gentle touch and urging nudge had her hopping forward with a peel of giggles. Even though the wide world around her was full of dangerous things, she knew that her father would always be there to protect her. His titan form loomed over her as she skipped, not a care in the world except to get where they were going. She didn't worry when he was around which said a lot because Gem worried. More than she admitted aloud. Maybe others could tell sometimes, but she secretly hoped not. Just another thing to worry about.

Excited for the adventure ahead, she focused on the whispering ravine around them. How the blooming leaves rustled in the night wind that whistled through the trees. A lone hooting of an owl not far off in those same trees that obscured the blinding moon. Blinking eyes watched from the shadows from little animals such as raccoons and opossums. Nothing that she should fear, nope! Her tingling emotions soon faded to awe as the trees broke into a wide clearing.

Suddenly the moon poured in and the sky opened up to a million stars. Gem's mouth hangs open as she stops and turns her chin upward. "See, dada, stars," her words are a mere whisper as she continued to stare wide eyed up toward the expanse of wonder. "This, this is what I wanted to show you!" She is more than excited as her puppy body wiggles from tail to nose. Unable to wait any longer, she bounds over to a wide enough rock for her to perch up on.

Seated neatly with her tail tucked around her hind paws, she pulls the hide from the basket and begins to unroll it before her. "Will you help put rocks on it to hold it down?" She couldn't hide her grin as she tried to keep her tail from wagging against the rock she sat upon.

Hematite, Gem's Mastiff, is always with her unless stated he isn't.

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1. star light, star bright, what stars can we see tonight? Cryer's Ravine 06:22 AM, 11-14-2023 10:55 AM, 04-10-2024