
These Are My Confessions




Novice Fighter (15)

Beginner Hunter (0)

4 Years
11-14-2023, 08:22 PM (This post was last modified: 11-14-2023, 08:22 PM by Varushka. Edited 1 time in total.)

Pride swirled in her chest of Khranbari finally beginning to open up to her. He met her words with a vow to keep working on his communication and to not keep secrets from her. Even an invitation was extended from him for her to join him on a training expedition. Gratitude shone in her yellow eyes and she dipped her head.
”Thank you, Khran. I would love that.” she cooed. A smile crept onto his features and Varushka’s tail swished in the water. She had never seen him smile before. It was a good look on him, she thought. It made her happy to know that she made him feel happy too. He was a good pack-mate and his loyalty was unmatched from all she had seen of him. Truly a fearless, stone strong, guy who would do anything for the ones he cared about. She didn’t care what his past was, it was who he chose to be now that was the most important. Varushka felt that she could trust him, and maybe it was that yearning for someone to trust that brought her back in search of him that late autumn and lead her to join a pack that she too could give her undying loyalty. Together they would ensure their pack was a safe place for all its members big and small. Another question tickled her ears as his words brought her back from her thoughts. She considered for a second, pleasantly surprised and engaged by his query. ”I have been thinking about that a bit lately.” she confessed. ”I think I’d like to learn some basic things that seemed to have proven useful around here. My family was rather.. old in their ways. I never learned how to craft or cultivate a fire. Or really how to make anything useful.” embarrassment heated her cheeks as she looked away. Being a crafter even if just sometimes to make useful items for the pack would make her plenty happy. Aside from hunting to feed them, and fighting tooth and claw to protect them. Maybe she was just an all around kind of girl after all.


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1. These Are My Confessions The Hot Springs 01:54 AM, 11-09-2023 03:22 AM, 02-13-2024