
How to use the pointy end




Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

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4 Years
Paleo species

Samhain 2022
11-15-2023, 01:14 AM
Basilisk watched as his kid put in the effort to follow his instructions, and care for their knife as best they could. Slowly but surely, the knife was cleaned and cared for. A sharp end was honed onto the blade, and the knots in the metal were smoothed over. It looked good as new. Spider held it up for him to inspect, and he did so with a critical eye “Good. Remember to care for your dagger often” He advised Spider.

He started to pack away the supplies they had used, bundling them up so he could hand them over to Spider. “There’s something else I wish to talk to you about, Spider” He added. Speaking slowly to buy himself some time and get his thoughts in order. Being responsible, and looking to not only his own future, but a kid’s as well was still very new to him. “You're a Fatalis now. Your my Fatalis.” He said with a soft note of possessiveness. “One day, this pack may well be mine.” The Warlord was incredibly old. He worried that day would come sooner than he was ready for. “You are my child, my oldest and only child. What do you want for your future, Spider?” If everything fell as it was line now, there was a chance that Spider could be heir one day.


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1. How to use the pointy end Mile-High Woods 08:58 PM, 10-01-2023 03:06 PM, 03-31-2024