
Two to fulfill


09-17-2013, 11:30 AM
The brute tossed all thoughts aside as Loccian appeared. His heart warmed up as he saw her once more, it was nice to have someone love you for once. Even so, his aunt looked worried as she approached him. Asking him where he had been after planting a gentle kiss on his cheek. This made the male blush, he would never admit it but he always saw her as a motherly figure. Auggie went to reply, so he waited until she stepped back before speaking.

"I'm not sure what drove me to wander but I have come back with intentions of a final verdict." he said before pausing as a male appeared.

Giving a slight nod of respect towards the new figure Augustus continued.

"I know there are so many things out in these lands to experience and see...but another thing draws me towards this pack. If my father was positioned in this pack then I feel as if I should be as well. I feel he has not really finished his duties here so I would like to finish them for him. If I am not to choose this then I shall wander the lands in search of life to give me something I can work with for once." he said plainly

Looking back towards the brute who had joined them Augustus answered the question for her.

"I'm Augustus Octavius, son of Octavian and her nephew." he said with a motion of his head towards his Aunt Loccian.

The brute was making this straightforward and quick, he had no idea why but it all just fell into place easier this way. Perhaps this man before him knew his father...maybe he would tell him? Auggie was tempted to ask but he thought of it rude at the moment. Standing on all fours awaiting some sort of answer from either of the two the breeze blew by. It caressed his fur, what he believed the breeze was could be rather embarrassing. Even so, he welcomed it and it helped him stand here by himself facing these two wolves.