
don't want none unless...



Raiders Hollow
The Powder Monkey

Master Fighter (393)

Master Intellectual (290)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

1 Year
Dire wolf
11-15-2023, 08:56 AM

Calliope was relentless in her search to spill blood. Ever since the incident with the stranger out in the archipelago, she felt a sort of lust that she couldn't ignore. A bubbling in her belly that ached to be satiated. From then on, any alligator or snake or predator alike was hers to defeat. No one would be safe from Calliope! She knew this, felt it even as she continued to grow. Though still young, she was far larger than any of her siblings and even some of the other pack members older than herself. Long, sleek legs, a well-muscled body, and a thick chest to match the feminine and angular face. From afar, one might believe her to be sweet as bubblegum, but upon closer inspection would notice the flecks of blood that mar her rainbow coat. They would see that dark look lingering in her brightly colored eyes.

That same dark look clouded her eyes as she prowled across the isle's concrete jungle. Swiping down overgrown brush and chasing after birds, her attention was pulled away by a high-pitched yelp. Both ears perk up, eyes and body alert as her tail swings over her haunches. Who was fucking with the pack? No one fucked with the pack when Calliope was around. Bursting forward, she followed the sound of scales sliding through murky waters and the scratch of paws against concrete. Seconds pass before her long legs take her to the scene. At the bottom of the bowl, that small gremlin that her father had taken in is attached to a rather large snake. Calliope knew the girl was small enough to be swallowed whole, but for the sake of not pissing her father off, she decided to not let the girl meet her fate today.

Circling around the bowl, head lowered, fur bunched up around her shoulders, Calliope lined herself up with the body of the snake. Leaping into the air, pushing off of the edge, she reached out and wrapped her legs around the snake. Digging in her claws and teeth, she held on for dear life as the snake turned its attention back to her, giving Jael an opening to do something... Hopefully.


Warning: Calliope is callous, rude, and unpredictable. Do NOT expect nice things from her.

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1. don't want none unless... Daager Isle 07:45 AM, 11-10-2023 09:39 AM, 01-05-2024