
does anyone want a puppy for christmas?!

Jael + pack AW


Raiders Hollow
The Scion

Master Healer (245)

Master Fighter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

1 Year
11-15-2023, 10:38 AM (This post was last modified: 11-15-2023, 10:40 AM by Siduri. Edited 1 time in total.)

Bounce. Bounce. BOUNCE! Siduri hopped after a random ass toad as it tried to escape her presence. She had no intention of hurting the thing or even touching it since it looked so gross, but that didn't mean that she couldn't find the warty wad fun to pester, eh? Sid enjoyed making things uncomfortable by pretending to be the big, bad predator that she was. It was a fun game, but it got old after a while. When the toad dipped under a rock to hide, the girl rolled her eyes, huffed and made her way back towards the common area.

Up ahead, the child's odd, multi-hued eyes rested on the familiar form of her father, Nimbus and... who was that?! A trespasser! Because, of course, anyone who wasn't someone that she knew and was on pack lands was obviously someone that wasn't supposed to be there. Mhmm...

White and pastel coat bristleled, the girl stalked forward, expecting that her father and brother were already berating the other canine. "We'll make ye walk the plank, ye putrid blackguard! Who are ye?! Why are ye here?! Don't ye know that ye're in the presence of the mighty Raiders and their Pirate Leader Siduri of the High Seas?!" Sid got right up in the woman's space, having missed her father's explanation to her brother entirely. "I aught to string yer guts from trees and use yer rib bones to guard my cabbages!" Wait... what? What in the hell was a cabbage?

Siduri turned to her father, eyes blazing and little teeth flashing in the light as she smiled. "How are we going to murder this one, eh sire? Shall we hollow her out and feed her innards to the crabs? I have dibs on her teeth!" Siduri snapped her jaws at Nimbus, clearly intent on having those damned teeth for her own.

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1. does anyone want a puppy for christmas?! Daager Isle 05:53 PM, 11-08-2023 02:07 PM, 02-01-2024