
does anyone want a puppy for christmas?!

Jael + pack AW


Raiders Hollow
The Powder Monkey

Master Fighter (393)

Master Intellectual (290)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

1 Year
Dire wolf
11-15-2023, 10:49 AM
Calliope was off on her own as she usually was. Stalking through the brush after an animal that she had no idea what it was. Nor did she care. It would soon be her snack if she had anything to say about it. And snack soon it would become as she lunged at it, teeth grasping the rabbit's neck and snapping it cleanly. Her tail wags happily as she turns to head back to find a good spot to eat it. The call of her father echoing over the isle catches her attention. What did he want?

Picking up a trotting pace, Cal makes her way to where she can scent her father and her siblings and... someone she didn't know. Her brow furrows as she draws closer and stops dead in her tracks. Nim and Sid were screeching at the stranger, but why wasn't their father doing anything? Dropping her kill and quickly forgetting it, Cal doesn't waste any more time. Closing the distance, Cal rushes up on the group and skids to a stop behind Jael. Looming over the small girl so that Jael was fully encircled by enraged puppies, Cal bristles and lifts her lips before releasing a vicious puppy growl.

"Answer her, ye scurvy scoundrel," Cal hisses as her ears flatten. Maybe she was spending too much time with Sid. No such thing.

Raider Brats

Warning: Calliope is callous, rude, and unpredictable. Do NOT expect nice things from her.

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1. does anyone want a puppy for christmas?! Daager Isle 05:53 PM, 11-08-2023 02:07 PM, 02-01-2024