
The boys are back in town



Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Intellectual (75)

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - Gay
11-15-2023, 12:24 PM

Morendo chuckled quietly as his mother mentioned how she hadn't expected to have such a large litter again after theirs, but even he who knew little to nothing about how pregnancy works could have guessed that history would repeat itself. Apparently their parents were just the perfect combination for being very productive breeders. As she greeted him and returned the nuzzle to his cheek, his expression softened again, his tail wagging gently behind him. No matter how brightly she had greeted them he could tell how much more subdued her energy was compared to the last time he had seen her, but he certainly wasn't surprised. With nine freshly born pups at her belly he was just grateful that she was able to sit up and greet them at all. It did put a nagging bit of worry in his mind, but he knew that she would just brush it off and assure him she was fine in her attempts to keep him from worrying so he didn't voice his concerns–at least not yet.

Instead, he looked to the array of tiny pups as she introduced each one, the names swimming in his head and hardly managing to remember any of them before she moved on to the next. Ah well, there would be plenty of time to learn their names as they grew, he supposed. Ren settled himself down beside their mother while Revenant got a closer look at the pups, watching his brother begin to poke and nudge a couple of the tiny loaves while he busied himself with carefully grooming his mother's from her ears down the back of her neck. He had no doubt that their father was taking good care of her in terms of bringing her whatever she needed and making sure she was provided for, but the idea of the massive beast that was Chimera delicately grooming his wife's coat was a hilarious concept. Having her fur be disheveled and out of place was probably the least of her worries, but it gave Morendo a little something to help her with so he continued on regardless.

He couldn't keep himself from rolling his eyes at Revenant's comment about the pitifulness of their new siblings and his joy at not having any kids of his own. Even though he didn't speak it, Morendo knew his brother well enough to know the unspoken part of that thought. He couldn't count how many times he had found his brother chasing after some female during their journey so the chances were high that there was some fatherless pups out there in the wilds, but they may never know. He was distracted from his work and from watching Revenant terrorize these pups when a familiar voice greeted them from the doorway, pulling his dual-toned gaze up to see Quill striding into the room. He offered his brother a bit of a grin as he said, "Well, if I had known you were coming we would have waited up for you." While he and Revenant had stuck pretty close together through their time away, their other brothers had been more of just occasional sightings–though Quill had been the most frequent of those.

"Morendo Klein"

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1. The boys are back in town Redwater Rocks 06:30 PM, 11-07-2023 03:37 AM, 02-13-2024