

Klein bunch



Beginner Fighter (0)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

1 Year
Dire wolf
11-16-2023, 03:47 AM (This post was last modified: 11-16-2023, 03:53 AM by Phobia. Edited 1 time in total.)
It seemed Phobia had been one of the braver ones in his litter. He'd lingered near the mouth of the den for days prior to this one, eager to escape the suffocating noise and constant press of bodies that was his siblings, his sisters especially. He liked em well enough he supposed but he preferred his brother's company if only because Aethon was the only one he had. Of his own age at least. The only reason he hadn't yet escaped into the open world was because it was damn near impossible to do so without someone noticing. Eight siblings plus his mom and dad and everyone else who was in that cave system! Sure maybe he could bribe Aethon into silence by saying he could come with but Phobia was not interested in bringing his sisters and he knew which of them would immediately run and tell just to spite him... El... So he was less star struck by the sights as they were finally ushered beyond the cave mouth but no he hadn't quite been outside yet. He rolled his eyes at three of the girls already mobbing their poor father. He tried to catch Elara's eye so he could stick his tongue out at her but didn't linger. Let his sisters fawn over their father, he wasn't going to waste this time. Not when he could be using it to prove he was better than them, through his actions. The adults did keep saying they were louder than words. Which did seem weird to him because Phobia couldn't imagine anything being louder than shouting within the den.

Aha! A target presented itself easily to the boy. One sister had decided not to be a prissy coward it seemed and was busy exploring the world, her face shoved into a hole in the ground. Unfortunately for her she was presenting too good a target for him to pass up. Dropping into a very front heavy crouch Phobia stalked towards Hydrae as quietly as he could before he launched himself at her hoping to slam his forepaws into the back of her head. They should have all known better by now than to let their guards down while he was around!

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