
Right in your own backyard



The Hallows

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2 Years
Dire wolf
11-16-2023, 04:44 PM

Well, she was at least happy to know that she hadn't been oblivious to her mother's presence for too long. She tried to keep her parents' lessons of being aware of her surroundings at the front of her mind, but it was easy to get comfortable and not watch things too closely when she was within Ashen's borders where she knew she was safe. She smirked as she listened to how her mom liked just watching her and her siblings do things, even if it was boring, mundane things like examining some trees. "Are all moms as sappy as you or is that just a you thing?" she teased, giving her mom's shoulder a playful nudge as they continued their walk around the lake. As long as she kept moving it kept her from getting too cold and then she could actually enjoy this pretty, wintery landscape. She certainly wasn't one of those "girly" girls that just sat around admiring pretty things, but even she could admit that the way the ice sparkled was a fun thing to witness.

Talking about how sappy her mom was as a mother, it got her thinking about all the things that led up to being a parent. Finding someone you liked, being in a relationship, all of those things. She didn't want any of those things yet or for a long time still, but it still made her curious. "How did you know you liked dad?" she asked curiously glancing away from the landscape for a moment to put her attention on her mother. She had heard at least most of the story of how they had met and she obviously knew her older siblings had a different dad, but she had never asked how she knew she wanted to be with her dad or what made him different from her first husband. "Is he like... better than Ike and Kitsune's dad?" Perhaps that wasn't the most tactful way to ask that, but no one ever said she wasn't blunt!

"Rebel Klein"

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1. Right in your own backyard Wolfpaw Lake 01:17 PM, 10-16-2023 04:36 PM, 03-08-2024