
Every sweet has its sour




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Intermediate Healer (30)

7 Years
Dire wolf

11-16-2023, 07:17 PM
R equiem was no stranger to Lurid's aversion to taking medication, so he expected a bit of pushback from her when he presented her with the herbs to help rejuvenate her, but when she began to spit and sputter like a temperamental child at the first taste of the ginseng root, the crimson brute just raised a brow and gave her a disparaging look. Sure, ginseng was a bit of an acquired taste, but it wasn't that bad. Requiem remained silent for a while as Lurid remarked on how awful the root was, muttering to herself about the medicines. He knew she was still getting over some trauma with what Atropos did to her during her sickness, but his patience had limits when it came to keeping her alive and healthy. He waited quietly, watching her while she rinsed her mouth out and sassed him about feeling better and using that as her case to refuse the ginseng. Her case would fall on deaf ears though.

L urid held his gaze in a silent challenge, holographic lavender searing into the impassive resilience of his silver and obsidian. She wished to have a battle of wills, did she? Well, Requiem was loathe to back down from a challenge—even one presented to him by his beloved queen. Requiem broke their intense staring contest just long enough to peer down at the mostly intact ginseng root between them, picking the herb up in his paw and turning it around as if studying it. "Lurid, my darling, for you I would do anything. I would bend the heavens and burn the hells if you wished it. I have been your soldier, your confidant, your judicator, your quick solution to dirty problems, I've even been your friend and now your lover. I want to spend all my days with you, supporting you, loving you, fucking your brains out and raising a family together, building your perfect empire with you." Those piercing silver eyes shot up to meet Lurid's once more, smoldering from below his lashes as he peered up into her with an unwavering intensity. "Right now, that means keeping you alive long enough to do all of that, and I won't let any force compel me to fail. That includes your own distaste, my darling."

R equiem handed the ginseng root back over to Lurid, his fixated gaze never wavering from hers. "I am not Atropos. I am your Haihefa. Now eat this gods damn root so I can make sure you won't die the next time I try to make love to you. Or you can resist, and then I'm going to have to hold you down while I force this down your throat." The crimson brute's eyes flashed with mischievous naughtiness as the double entendre in his words, making it known the root wasn't the only thing he was thinking of putting down her throat. But for her to get this spoonful of sugar, she would need to take her medicine first. And Req was prepared to dominate her and pin her down if that's what it took to make her take it.

"Requiem" | "Latin"

Warning: Requiem is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.

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1. Every sweet has its sour Fern Gulley 08:20 PM, 11-06-2023 02:43 AM, 02-13-2024