
STARDUST (birth)



09-17-2013, 05:28 PM

The chilling wail would reach the king even from his distant saunter, coral paws halting beneath him as towers would flicker with credulous interest. He had been hovering close to his queen the past week, sensing the upcoming birth that toyed within her bodice; risking no possibilities of harm to either her or his royal children. As soon as those babes left the womb, it would be finalized; Glaciem was an empire, and Alacritis would be not only the birth land of greatness, their playground, but their entire kingdom. Soon.

He would lope, at ease knowing that the scent of his Curer was nearby, grateful of the woman and her skills as the success of this delivery depended so greatly upon her. Looming ahead would be the struggling chassis of his silver knight, colossal against the tiny proportions of Eris, Argent?s splendour admirable even within her desperate state. A low chuff would crawl to her from beneath his lungs, trotting around the woman from her behind as a proud smirk would weave his lips; cunning plans already evident beneath the rose of his irises. ?I will find a birthing site,? his voice was low, bursting with thrill and pride as he would pace ahead of the duo.

Making for the thicks of the loose pines he would duck beneath branches in an attempt to find an opening at sparce roots. Alas, so far he had been unlucky; though ahead, a fallen tree, not a pine but something far larger. Optimistic, he would trot for his proximities, and as had been expected, the crater created by pulled up roots bevelled out beneath the surface of which it had fallen. It wasn?t a den, but it was sheltered, safe and likely warm. A sharp bark would announce his discoveries, gracefully dropping his body into the pits below as his jaws would begin to gather any objects that could have tarnished her comfort or injured her newborns. It would have to do.