
Shepherd Of Fire



11-17-2023, 05:23 PM (This post was last modified: 12-11-2023, 06:18 PM by NPC. Edited 1 time in total.)

You wait, observing the worm. Its jump, its arc, every detail important. As soon as you find the perfect spot, you wait for his next attack. Then he launches, and so do you, biting into the hard, hot underbelly of the lava worm. The guide follows suit. With this, you are able to peel off a slab of his scale-like armor. It clamors into the lava just seconds before the worm does.

The worm thrashes and sinks into the lava, his bones rising to the surface as shiny as fresh metal. They float, suspended for a bit, before slowly beginning to glow and melt into the pool.

As the worm fades from existence, the lava begins to calm and sink down into the earth. A small land bridge becomes apparent and you are able to safely exit the chasm. On the other side, smoke swaths you once more and you find yourself back where you began, singed, sore, but not too worse for wear.

It is time for goodbye, you can feel it in your soul. You turn to the guide, who looks almost proud of you.

Your guide gives you a curt nod of approval and you blink. When your eyes open, only a few fireflies buzzing lazily where the guide once was.

The cave, now peaceful, stands to be explored by any who come across it. Maybe you can remember your way back sometime.

You have unlocked a new site land: Pyroduct Caves!

You receive: To Hell and Back Bundle:
  • Deluxe Open Character Pass
  • Choice of litter pass (Gay Litter Pass, Ghost Litter Pass, Mystery Litter Pass)
  • Boosted Worm companion (Regular companion size, named Ethel Jr., but you may change this, only speaks a language you do not know)
  • Lucky Rabbits Foot
    [*]Firefly's favor (Used)

Other prizes you collected will be revealed later.

Rolled With a Favor

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1. Shepherd Of Fire Corpseghoul Swamplands 10:35 PM, 10-16-2023 05:28 AM, 05-01-2024