
solstice viking puppies!

Víðarr x Tenshi



Easter Egg Hunt 2023Pride - BisexualEaster 2022Toys for Tots
11-17-2023, 07:54 PM (This post was last modified: 12-12-2023, 03:11 PM by Lolaf. Edited 10 times in total.)
Note: For ease of understanding and writing I'll be using They/Them for Nori's app (and profile if chosen)

OOC Name: Lolaf
Character Name: Nori
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Apperance: My own design
(Height and/or mutations might be subject to change depending on event outcomes, flip-flopping on tongue colour being natural or in line with ref)

Nori certainly is something. They'll never quite reach their parents in height. Standing a whopping 40 inches tall as an adult though, no one would argue they're small by any definition. Though maybe they mean their build, since Nori is the exact opposite of their parents. Where both Tenshi and Vidarr have some heft to them Nori is light as a feather. They have a dancer's build, long limbs made to look longer by their slim shape, dainty paws and perfectly sculpted bodice. Nori also moves with a grace that sells this image further. [Strangely the inside of their mouth shows a deep yellow color.]

As for their pelt they are a much smoother mix of their parents here. Nori's pelt is thick, built for the chill of the mountains and a crisp winter wind. Nori is a mixture of shadow and light, it's unclear which colour forms their base coat as it seems two colours in particular war for space upon their form. The majority of the front of their body is white but a grey-black colour appears on their face in a mask that fades just above their brow, the back of their ears, front toes, faintly in flecks along their back and then finally it largely takes over Nori's rump, starting in a thin line at their belly and growing wider until it hits their hips where it swallows the rest of Nori's form, except for their hind paws which have remained white. A single other colour marks Nori, a gift from their mother: yellow. Said colour accents Nori's pelt, running under the grey line on their side, taking up the middle toes on their front paws, in a single curved marking above the white of their back paws, as a small dot on the sides of their ears, in curved stripes down their tail and finally on their face. Their facial marking is reminiscent of Vidarr's with it's own flair, symmetrical lines arch above Nori's brow and move to the center of their face until they merge into a single line that stops at the mid point of their muzzle, and run under their eyes, when they meet the front corner of their eyes they move down Nori's muzzle until just before their nose. The final notable part of Nori's pelt is that the fur on their tail is elongated, long enough to pool on the ground, though Nori rarely lets it.

Finally a pair of deep amber, nearly golden, eyes are how Nori looks upon the world, not a single pigment out of place to draw away from the total picture.

AFAB Gender Fluid (Any Pronouns, can get pregnant)

Nori doesn't seem to have an urgent bone in their body. Though that is not entirely true and they can in fact rush if needed to for the majority of what they do Nori does not seem too hurried. They also approach life with little worry, which can also mean sometimes a lack of care. They'd rather just approach everything in a relaxed nature and may even seem like nothing can ruffle their feathers. While that is not entirely true they will do their best to project a devil may care attitude even when they do care a bit. They may also make others frustrated by the lack of gravity they give to things.

Nori is stunning and they know it! And they also won't let anyone else not know it! From an early age they will be very focused on their appearance and won't let a single hair remain out of place and as soon as they learn about jewellery and other adornments they will desire to have some of their own though while young they may over do their accessories as they age they'll learn how to balance those sorts of things. Further they will hold others to a higher standard for their own appearances and cannot imagine why anyone would ever not care or choose to allow themselves to look dirty, dishevelled or even just ruffled. Neither will they take well to anyone else making them look as such and may be a bit towards anyone who doesn't respect their appearance or ego.

Nori isn't just a pretty face though, they got some pretty words too. Even know how to use 'em. Though they don't use their verbosity just to look smarter. Rather they know where and when to use their vocabulary, match their speech to their audience. It does make them pretty good at arguments and will often be very careful when trying to convince others. They will also as they age learn the power of compliments and may be prone to laying it on thick but hey it can be assumed most will have never heard a compliment quite like the ones Nori gives.

Some wolves are down to earth and humble. Nori is not one. Not only do they present themselves physically as pretty over the top their personality isn't exactly demure either. If they can make a scene out of something they will. And they'll drag any unwilling participant they can into their shenanigans. If something is camp you can be assured that Nori is interested!

Maybe then it's not a surprise that Nori is what some might call charismatic, they are easy to get along with by design and Nori is such an extrovert. It's be rare to see them without a friend or family member around, they may even not know what to do with themselves without a companion around.

That said Nori has commitment issues, in all sorts of ways. Maybe they are too eager to please others and will often agree to things that they don't want to actually follow through with. Unless someone keeps an eye on them expecting Nori to follow through on things is maybe ill-advised, there's about a 50-50 chance they'll actually show up. They also aren't too keen on serious relationships, friends? Sure. Familial bonds? Yeah okay but like not too much. Committing to a romantic relationship? Oops there they go running away! They aren't incapable of those sorts of stronger loyalty and commitment they simply struggle to handle the responsibility that comes with.

Unlock at 2 years old:

Maybe Nori is modelling their father or maybe it's their inability to handle commitment but Nori will once they come of age realize they not only want physical relationships they want them often and with many others. They may choose some partners they return to but they will never be able to be monogamous and maybe that's for the better, more partners means more wolves to help handle their soaring libido.

From the moment of first discovering pleasure that becomes their primary driving force. Drink, drugs, carnal pleasures. All the usual suspects will be things Nori actively seeks out but more than that. They will be open to trying nearly anything in the pursuit of discovering new things they can add to the list of things they derive pleasure from. They will become somewhat of an adrenaline junky as a result.

Skills: Healing and Intellect (Cosmetologist and Gambler)

Potential plots, plans, etc.:Very open, mostly as a child sort of just have them be loud and dramatic. As an adult sleep around, get into trouble and otherwise just float around chasing their next adventure.

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1. solstice viking puppies! Adoptions 07:17 PM, 11-17-2023 04:50 AM, 01-10-2024