
An Un-pheasant Situation

[ Halloween Thread ]



Novice Fighter (15)

Beginner Hunter (0)

4 Years
11-17-2023, 08:41 PM (This post was last modified: 11-17-2023, 09:35 PM by Varushka. Edited 3 times in total.)

Hiding behind shattered ice piled around the large float, Varushka and her guide managed to evade the worm long enough for it to lose interest. Yellow and green eyes watched from the shadows as Francis the massive blue tinted worm monster fussed about losing sight of them. Before he could retreat back to the icy depths, the girls made their move. Kicking off the ice as they leapt at him from behind. Their combined weights toppling him over as they tore through his wet hide. The slippery monster managed to wriggle back to the edge of the ice and slip in, but not without losing most of its fluids and sustaining severe injuries. Its body writhed and became  masked by a blur of viscera leaking from it and tainting the water with its colors. Bubbles rising to the surface began to subside as did its cadaveric spasming. Francis was dead. The melancholy guide quickly led the two across some stray icebergs and out toward the gap where outside light filtered in.

Fresh air and warmer temperatures greeted them after having finally escaped from the frozen castle. The adrenaline finally subsided enough for her to realize what a feat they had just accomplished. Varushka was also keenly aware now that they somehow ended up in the same place where they had started. Glancing at the blue furred woman, she found her looking back with such knowing green eyes. Instead of tears and somberness, her features hosted a soft smile of gratitude. But before Varu could speak to the guide, she vanished. Staring bewildered at the fireflies that marked where her comrade had been. Varushka did not move or speak for a while as the recent events of her journey sank in. The blood on her muzzle had scabbed over, and her fur was still lightly damp from their swim. Francis must have been what she was meant to defeat, he was the test. And she had passed. Pride flooded through her chest and she looked around her. Appreciating her surroundings, she gazed about the cave and it sparkled in a way she must have missed the first time. This place was very beautiful. Maybe she could remember the way back and share it with her pack mates. Surely now that she had ensured it was safe they could find some use of it.



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1. An Un-pheasant Situation Rustling Thicket 09:20 PM, 10-17-2023 05:17 AM, 05-01-2024