
solstice viking puppies!

Víðarr x Tenshi


"The Floofiest Cat"

13+ Years

Easter Egg Hunt 2023Rapid Poster - GoldToys for Tots
11-17-2023, 09:16 PM (This post was last modified: 12-14-2023, 08:30 PM by Beau-tifullyWritten. Edited 10 times in total.)
OoC: Managed to finish~ <3

OOC Name: Beau-tifullyWritten
Character Name: Ragnfríðr
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

  • Body: Ragnfríðr is a creature built to withstand both rough weather and activity alike. Her body is large, standing at forty inches tall, and beneath her soft, spiked coat are firm muscles. Unlike the dorsal half of her coat, which has a more rough texture, Ragnfríðr’s unders are soft and plush. Overall, her body is thick, bearing a heavy frame while still holding a more delicate face. Her muzzle is a bit on the shorter side, as are her ears, while her tail is a bit longer and thicker compared to others. Ragnfríðr carries herself with certainty in her movements, head held high as she comes face to face with everything and everyone the world has to offer her.
  • Coat: Ragnfríðr’s base coat is a deep, silver-y gray and the color dominates the dorsal part of her body. Starting from her cheeks and the front part of her muzzle, white breaks up the gray as it runs up along her underside from chest toward the tip of her tail. This white even dips down onto the backs of each leg, though it comes up around the paws to cover them in white. More eye catching are the spots and striping across her back, shoulders, tail, and legs. Some stripping also runs from the backs of her eyes towards the tops of her cheeks and down either side of her muzzle. Even more striping and spots can be seen on her forehead, resting below gray ears. At the base of her tail markings the black color makes one last appearance by capping her tail.
  • Eyes: Ragnfríðr’s eyes are round, soft, sky blue.
  • Skin: Ragnfríðr’s skin is a rich, deep black.
  • Scent: Ragnfríðr carries the scent of pine mixed with the sweet scent of sap.


  • Ambitious and Competitive: Ragnfríðr thrives on challenge, feeling the most joy when she can push herself and give her all. She is the sort of femme who shoots to test her limits and break beyond them. She wants to be the strongest in Boreas and Auster, and will work continually to achieve her dream. Hunting will be an additional challenge, especially going after larger prey, so she can avoid injury and find the best way to take them down quickly. When it comes to her packmates Ragnfríðr may not hold back per se, only working within the limits that her parents will allow. She will avoid taking the body parts of comrades, but will be an admirer of scars and the tales of battles survived that they tell. Ragnfríðr’s ambitious and competitive nature will expand outside the pack as well, for the femme will want to ensure that as a member of Heiðinn, she is stronger than any other pack wolf or loner she meets!

  • Blunt, Distant, and Loyal: One should not need to wonder what Ragnfríðr is thinking - she is a blunt creature who speaks exactly what is on her mind or how she feels about a situation. While this can sometimes make her feel like she is heartless, that is far from the truth. Ragnfríðr cares, but mainly for her family and comrades. Their safety and comfort come before all others, and so she takes a more distant approach when meeting others. Tell them little about yourself, let them do most of the talking. She is untrusting of those outside Heiðinn, knowing that she may one day need to face them in battle. Ragnfríðr is also the sort of femme who will come knocking on your door to kick your ass if you harm one of the pack, even if they don’t necessarily need back up. When meeting offenders in battle Ragnfríðr will be ruthless - the price for their misdeeds will be paid in blood.

  • Rigid and Hardworking: Ragnfríðr’s ties to Heiðinn will be clear from an early age, and so will the way she goes about things. She is very particular in what she does, and making sure her tasks have purpose. Hyper focused on goals, so to speak. Ragnfríðr sticks to what needs to be done and puts her best foot forward. There is no room for slackers in the femme’s eyes. She will rise up to any task that needs done and do so without complaint, using the experience to continue to build on her own skill. She will naturally gravitate toward other wolves who do this as well, wanting to follow their example with her own actions.

Skills: Fighting and Hunting
Potential plots, plans, etc.: Find a rival to compete against within the pack, striving to keep at the top of her game as she tries to become the "better" one. Family plots and pack plots in addition, of course, and whatever else may naturally bloom due to her personality.
"Here we do not place bets. We place concerns." - Starcrosst of DeviantArt

Beau's Inklings

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