
Holy Water Can't Help You Now


"I'll be a good Girl in Hell"

The Syndicate

Master Fighter (405)

Master Intellectual (375)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years

TeacherWinnerHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Pride - DemisexualPride - BisexualPride - Demisexual
Double MasterWordyStudentBest BudsHomebodyRapid Poster - Rainbow
11-18-2023, 01:27 AM (This post was last modified: 11-18-2023, 01:29 AM by Absinth. Edited 1 time in total.)

Absinth welcomed another attack, briefly registering the sound of rage from Aresenn as she herself was latched onto by her throat area immediately after. It was a fault of her own. Stupidly diverted her attention from the attack she knew was coming to glance in concern at the fire coated male holding his own. The bite stung- the coyote unwilling to let go of her, and so close to where her companion had left a mark that night. The thought itself enraged her. Everything enraged her. Absinth’s snarl reached an entirely new level of pissed off. She craned her neck to bring her jaws down onto its back in severe punishment; but she was attacked in the same manner as Aresenn. Another coyote, fighting to keep the heat off of the other, latched onto her right thigh and elicited a seething scream from the woman. It was muffled by her hold on the yote still clinging to her throat, but she would rip it from herself- dropping a splatter of blood as she did so. She would proceed to slam the creature down into the ground, placing a paw down onto its back as her jaws made quick work of breaking both hind legs in quick succession- saving the coyote for later as she abandoned it there crying out in agony.

All the while the coyote at her thigh struggled to inflict the most pain possible to make her stop. Biting at her, tearing into her, all to no avail. Instead, Absinth whirled around and grabbed hold of its tail. Pulling, pulling, almost tearing when her attacker released her to save its tail. But she would not release them. She dragged them backwards to the ground, lunging over the body of the smaller canid once they were overcome with pain, and gripping them fiercely by the back of the neck scruff. She did not know how many more coyotes there were, but none more were attacking her at this moment. So she gave into her desires. Dragging the fucking thing over to a rock, she shrieked at it to open it’s mouth or die. So it did. Tearfully and hesitantly opening it’s mouth over a rock as big as it’s head. Absinth promised it salvation if it would only accept a few broken teeth, and the wretched thing actually believed her. Drool and salty tears fell upon the stone she had positioned the poor thing upon. Her paw coming to rest almost sensually against the back of its neck, tracing her way up to it’s skull with a bite of her lip. She relished the idea of a lower creature ending to her will. Her thoughts tunneled around the opportunity to inflict pain most wicked in nature. Blind and deaf to Aresenn at this moment. She giggled, ears pinned back and excitement plentiful in her mannerisms. Her eyes flashing such great hatred. She was, frankly; Girlish. Sadistic. Joyful. True to herself. All in one culmination.

And then she brought her paws down with exceptional force, slamming down multiple times until the jaw was nonexistent. A mere mush of flesh and splintered bone. Her countenance splashed in blood, gurgles below her feet signifying the coyote was still alive even with its extreme physical trauma. Absinth herself? Teeth showing, grin widening by the second, eyes wild. A picture of cruelty. And enjoyment.


m o o d b o a r d 
Absi is a mature character. She's very vulgar and volatile. Discretion advised.

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