
welcome to the drama, honey!

haydee & bay


"I'll Rise Up"


Master Fighter (320)

Master Intellectual (305)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
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ScarredDouble MasterRapid Poster - SilverSamhain 2022
11-18-2023, 08:46 PM

The injured woman tenses as Haydée approaches, finches when she gentle wipes away the tear and the young woman’s heart breaks into a million pieces that lodge painfully in her throat. Without needing to hear the words, she knows that these injures were purposeful and inflicted carefully by other wolves. Worry paints her features, tugging her lip down into frown and knitting her brows together. When she orders Bay to go and fetch what he needs to help the woman, she reads his anxiety in the boy that he feels about leaving them alone. A gentle smile is offered to the golden boy and she dips her head, promising him without words that they will be safe until he returns.

Then Bay is off, racing away to gather what he needs to help the unknown injured wolf. Raspy words each her ears and Hay turns from where she had been watching the retreating golden form to look at her new charge. It is obvious the monochrome woman is in pain and she gently shushes the woman while saying, “I know that there is a Hattori leads the pack Tojo-kai not far from here but I have not met him yet. However, I have met Vidarr! He is a very kind man who leads the pack that resides in Fenrir’s Maw. I can send word to them both about what happened and where they can find you… if you would like.”

It occurs to Haydée, as she is offering to send out word to the two men, that they may have been responsible for her injuries and she quickly amends the offer so that the stranger can simply tell her yes or no. Part of her doesn’t believe an alpha could willing injure another wolf to this extent but, since her run in with those scary males up north, she isn’t as certain as she use to be. As the moments tick by, Hay slowly moves around the woman while explaining what she is going to do, “You look like you are really cold. I am going to lay behind so we can share our warmth together. I am not going to hurt you and I can promise you that no one in my pack will harm you in anyway. This might be difficult but I need you trust me… okay?”

Gently, carefully, she lays on the ground behind the woman, slowly and steadily leaning into the injured woman until she can give use the girl’s body’s warmth. A smile is offered to Bay when he reappears, panting and hastily moving to set up a treatment area in the nearby grass. As he works, Haydée tells the woman, “I am going to lick away some of the blood now so that we can see your wounds better.” Waiting for the woman’s consent, the girl then slowly and carefully begins to brush away some the dried blood with her tongue so that Bay will be able see and treat her wounds better.

The golden boy soon joins them and Haydée stops her gentle licks to look up at him, nodding when he asks the woman to allow them to help her to the grass. As he introduces himself, the girl looks to stranger and says, “He is the gentlest soul I know. I promise you that you are safe in Bay’s paws.” With that she stands, readying to help the injured woman stand and guide her to where Bay has set up his healing area.

"Haydée Kedieo"

"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
Haydée has a male northern cardinal named Chanson and a female fossa named Manon. They are always close by.

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1. welcome to the drama, honey! Cattail Creek 12:05 PM, 10-30-2023 07:05 PM, 01-31-2024