
Colors In The Water


09-17-2013, 06:39 PM

Young clear blue eyes watched her as she spoke. It seemed to him, that she had a lot that she didn't want to say just yet. But he wouldn't press her secrets, that was one thing he knew that would drive someone away. And that wasn't something he wanted to do, not to her. He sat calmly, taking in every word and explanation. If there were things she didn't want to tell him yet, then that was her choice. He could live with it until she did decide to tell him. Of course he had to gain her trust first, and her words about actions speak louder then words, well, he was prepared to show it as well as say it. His ears tipped forward slightly when she mentioned her mother being a beta. A thought forming in his head. "Did she say...her mother "was" a beta? Then perhaps...
The youth closed his eyes and an understanding smile crossed his features again, he leaned forward and gently toucher Liberty's nose with his own before returning to his previous position. "Liberty...I'm not going to pressure you to tell me anythin' right away. I don't expect you to trust me right away neither, I'm willing to go through great lengths to prove to you that you can. But in the end, it is all up to you. I did promise I would remain by your side as long as you wanted me to, and that's not somethin' I'm going to break. The offer to visit my cove is always open for you, whether you want to just get away from any drama life has to throw at you, or if you just want to get away to think. The cove is always open, and you're always welcome should you need it. And...I wouldn't mind going back with you to Valhalla, if it's no bother that is. I've got nowhere else to go, and my family is nowhere around these lands. It's about time I find somewhere to go, even if it's for some time."
He made sure all seriousness went into his words this time around, his look one of promise and determination.
