
The World Will Cry As We Pass By

Ely <3


The Syndicate

Expert Fighter (200)

Expert Hunter (165)

3 Years

11-19-2023, 02:26 AM (This post was last modified: 11-19-2023, 10:47 PM by Ezekiel. Edited 1 time in total.)

Ezekiel sings a call for her, his sister, his other half and waits with bated breath. How many miles has he traveled to find her, to hold her, and to make certain that she will never be alone again? A hundred? Ten thousand? It matters not to the boy as long as he can lay eyes on her once more. Steam fills the air with each exhale and his ears stand straight up, waiting for her voice to call back, to show him that she really is here. Although they had been born into a large family, Zeke and Ely had always stuck together, licked each other’s wounds after training and curled up tightly around one another when they slept. Naturally, that has made the boy… possessive of his better half and he has trekked out to the middle of bum-fucking-nowhere to make sure she is safe.

After what feels like hours, but really is only a few seconds, Ely’s voice calls back to him, reassuring the dark male that she is near. A wicked, joyful grin splits his maw as he runs toward the sound, closing the distance until he spies her svelte form rushing toward him. Hind end lowers as he skids to a halt, tossing snow every which way as he slows. Her excited call has Ezekiel barking a joyful laugh and he is ready for her as she charges him, effortlessly catching her mid-leap to spins her around all while hugging her. Not letting go, he allows his body collapses backward and comes to rest on his back in the powder, laughing breathless as he simply holds her to his chest.

Tongue flicks out to peeper her face gentle, loving kisses, his chest rumbling as a pleased sound rolls past his lips. Finally, he releases her, allowing her to get up if she wished or to remain there on his chest if she wants. A large paw lifts to trace the curve of her cheek before cupping the side of her face and pulling it toward him. The kiss he offers her is deep and filled with silent longing. Once done, he leans back, resting his head comfortable against the snow as he drinks in every inch of her. Oh gods how he has missed her.

Zeke’s deepening voice finally fills the air as he says, “El. I was so worried about you. When I heard what had happened, I knew I had to find you. I am sorry it took me so long El. But I am here now and never going to leave your side again.” A soft smile is offered to his sister and there is a certain gentleness in it that only Ely ever gets to see. Curiosity lightens his gaze and brows lift as he asks, “What have you been up to since you got here?” Has she made friends, found playthings, or simply been trying to survive? The boy must know.

"Ezekiel Saxe"

Ezekiel is considered a mature character. All warnings apply to his threads.