
Holy Water Can't Help You Now


The Syndicate

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Samhain 2022
11-19-2023, 11:52 AM

Aresenn had little time to catch his breath before two more coyotes charged at him. He sprung forward, taking a more offensive approach with speed and agility that came naturally, deflecting their simultaneous attacks by colliding with them both. Aresenn locked his powerful jaws around the neck of one of them, its limbs flailing wildly as it struggled in vain against his grip. The other coyote attempted to flee, but Aresenn refused to allow it the opportunity. In only a few moments, he was able to dispatch his immediate victim by gorging out its throat- allowing it to fall to the ground for its final impossible breaths.

With a quick burst of speed, he raced to catch up to the deserter and slammed it to the ground. The animal whimpered and pleaded for mercy, but Aresenn had none to offer it. He snarled, his eyes glowing with savage intensity as he bore down on the coyote's neck, closing his jaws over its windpipe. The creature kicked and squirmed beneath him, but Aresenn held on, his grip unyielding. Slowly, the light in its eyes began to fade, until finally, it went limp. Aresenn released his hold and backed away, panting heavily as he surveyed the carnage around him.

Aresenn felt the pain in his shoulder intensify and he glanced down to see the wound was deep, blood flowing freely from it. However, his primary concern wasn't himself. Absinth. His amber gaze immediately swept through the clearing to check-in. Had she faired as well as he did?  

"Aresenn Praetor"

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1. Holy Water Can't Help You Now Gale Gorge 09:45 PM, 11-13-2023 08:55 PM, 11-25-2023