
What's The Story, Morning Glory?

Pack visit


"I'll Rise Up"


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ScarredDouble MasterRapid Poster - SilverSamhain 2022
11-19-2023, 05:52 PM
The kind smile that Avacyn offers her when she turns her surprised face up to the Matriarch has Haydée’s own lips pulling upward. The pair walk and talk, well she does most of the talking, before she loses herself to the memories surrounding the terrible events that have led her here; reliving every single moment in all of its horrible glory. A gentle paw on her shoulder pulls her from the moment when she was holding her mother in the rain, the older woman thin and barely hanging on and the girl turns her misty green eyes up to Avacyn. Sympathy is offered in the woman’s smile, her kind eyes, and gentle words.

Haydée feels immature in that moment, a child left to fend for herself in a world of adults, and a soft sniffle fills the air as she gazes up at the Matriarch, the tears slowly sliding free. They dampen her cheeks and she offers a wobbly smile while asking, “Avacyn… can I tell you a secret?” Throat pumps as she casts her gaze around the area quickly, afraid that someone might overhear her confession and strike her down for even thinking it. Leaning up closer to the purple woman, she softly whispers, “I feel so unprepared.” Fear shines in youthful eyes and she takes a step back, lips wobbling into a frown as she wonders what the Matriarch will think of her now.

But, now that the flood gate has been opened, Haydée doesn’t stop there, “I am trying to hold my pack together, to be strong for everyone but I feel like I am failing at every turn. I barely know how to take care of myself let alone a whole pack! Sometimes, I am angry that I wasn’t taught about leading more and, and…” the girl visibly wilts, shoulders drawing inward as her head falls and she whispers, “sometimes I hate my dad for leaving us.” There, she had said it. The most horrible secret she has been keeping close to her heart now has seen the light of day. Oh how she hates herself for even thinking it.

"Haydée Kedieo"

"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
Haydée has a male northern cardinal named Chanson and a female fossa named Manon. They are always close by.

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1. What's The Story, Morning Glory? The Rock Garden 03:49 PM, 09-12-2023 01:26 PM, 02-11-2024