
What's The Story, Morning Glory?

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Master Fighter (245)

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4 Years
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1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
11-19-2023, 10:53 PM

As she reminded the girl to take care of herself through this impossibly hard time, she could see how truly young and unprepared Haydée really was in the shine of tears in her eyes. It was obvious even just from appearance how young Haydée was, but up until now she had done a fairly good job of playing the game of a respectful visitor and alpha. Now Avacyn really got a glimpse at the insecurity and stress Haydée was feeling and Ava's expression softened even further with understanding and empathy. She listened quietly while Haydée shared the secret of how unprepared she felt and how hard it was to hold everything together when she hardly knew how to take care of herself–and the anger she felt about not being taught more about leading and toward her father for leaving them. All while she spoke Avacyn left her paw on the girl's shoulder, never interrupting and letting Haydée speak everything that had obviously been weighing on her.

When it seemed like she had said what she felt needed to be said, Avacyn stepped around to stand in front of her before sitting back on her haunches so that she could gently wipe away the tears on Haydée's cheeks and rest her paws on both of the small young woman's shoulders, holding her gaze with a deep understanding. "Would you like to know my secret?" she asked, giving Haydée a small smile. "I was trained to lead since the day I was born and even now I feel so vastly unprepared. I'm still making up everything as I go and just hoping that I'm making my parents proud. No amount of preparation or training or experience will ever really make you feel prepared. So I don't want you to feel as if you are any less of a leader than any other alpha, okay? All that matters is that you are willing to do the work and that you care about the members of your pack. That's it. And I can tell that you have more of both of those things than most."

Even though they had only just met one another, Avacyn felt like she knew Haydée better than a vast majority of the wolves even within her own pack. Their paths were different but still so similar and she couldn't help but feel a desire to guide and support her fellow young, female leader. She leaned down, slipping a foreleg around Haydée's shoulders to pull her into a hug. "If you ever need someone to listen you can always come to me. Your secret is always safe with me."

"Avacyn Mendacium"

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1. What's The Story, Morning Glory? The Rock Garden 03:49 PM, 09-12-2023 01:26 PM, 02-11-2024