
Far From Home


03-10-2013, 07:44 AM
His mind had started to wander elsewhere after he had spoken of everything. Only when the dame spoke again did he perk up his golden ears and focused his cobalt blue gaze on her. Scipio gave Mercianne full attention. When she told him of how she hoped he would find his brother the brute nodded. Thank you, I appreciate that greatly. A small smile rather charming smile spread across the wolf's muzzle. He knew he would find his brother, or his brother find him. But Tucker had always been a bit of a goof and could be a bit arrogant. But then again he was his brother; Tucker would joke around with him and get them both in trouble sometimes but Scipio still loved him.

"Thank you, I really appreciate your kind words." he said as he he looked back at the dame.

Silence fell as he waited for the dame to reply. She was rather quiet or shy, but he didn't mind. It was quite nice to just have a little chat with another wolf.The sun was going down more and his pelt reflected it as it gave him a soft glow. He was truly a golden boy, he thought with a small chuckle.

While Scipio sat there he listened to the late chirps of birds in the forest. They all seemed to have their family and friends nearby. But where were his; Tucker was lost and his friends were at the place he had departed. But the brute could only wonder as he looked at the small femme if she considered him a friend, or what she considered him as.

Curiosity struck through the brute's mind as he sat there examining her. She was a pretty dame but he withdrew the urge to say that in case he would have his face scratched off or make her more shy. He knew she would be more open as time went by. It only took some time and Scipio was here to listen and give his time. for a moment his cobalt blue eyes looked at her brown ones waiting for their two gazes to meet.