
splish splash I was (NOT) taking a bath



Intermediate Intellectual (30)

Beginner Fighter (0)

1 Year
Extra large

Pride - Bisexual
11-20-2023, 02:14 AM

Free of the prison where he'd been holed up with his siblings while they grew big and strong, figured out how to arrange their legs in ways that could be approximated as "walking", it was time for the Klein progeny to wreak havoc. Sunset brought about the time where the pale devil was the most active, his champagne fluff easily preyed upon by the sun's rays. His siblings were getting ready for bed, and he was about to sneak out.

Draped in a dark hued fur, so that the shadows would properly cling to his diminutive form, he slunk away from the cacophony of pups. Time to see the world without others interrupting. Crimson and clementine skies greeted the boy as he stepped out into the open air, breathing in deep to taste the scents that wafted up from the canyon. It had poured rain for days, and this was a brief period of stillness. The rocks were slick and slippery underfoot, but he didn't care. Perhaps the pungent aroma of petrichor fuelled his boldness, but off the pallid boy went. Fecklessly he wandered, traipsing towards the canyon floor. It was brimming with murky waters, but he trusted in himself that he only needed to get close. Not a swim nor a taste, only basking in the presence of it.

The sounds of shuffling and muted conversation came from all around, many of his kin that formed the bulk of the pack's ranks were settling in for an evening meal and a night of rest. It made him feel at ease, that there were so many bodies nearby, yet none of them intruded upon his quiet time. He was surrounded by love and safety, and yet the evening was entirely his own. Which he was going to use for splashing in puddles and chasing bugs before it was fully dark. One such puddle stretched before him, and he was quick to jump straight in. All four paws outstretched, and all of his mother's careful grooming wasted.

"Dagger Prince"

pixels by squishyalpaca

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1. splish splash I was (NOT) taking a bath Redwater Rocks 02:14 AM, 11-20-2023 04:39 PM, 03-08-2024