
The first rays of sunshine




Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (295)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

2 Years
Dire wolf

Double MasterStudentRapid Poster - Bronze1K
11-20-2023, 03:19 PM

Marshal had managed to track him down, and somehow Dread wasn't surprised. He hadn't exactly made himself difficult to find. While they were gathering things, supplies, members to get on the road with Deluge at the helm of a band, he'd been sleeping on the Raiders' proverbial couch. It wasn't so bad. He was contributing where he could, especially with the pups. Deluge's youngest siblings were a rowdy bunch, but genuinely, they were cute. Maybe a little out of pocket sometimes, but cute. Speaking of pups, he knew better than to think his siblings were the only ones he'd be bringing gifts for.

Packing down a borrowed bag, tucking away the gifts he'd rounded up for his siblings and the pups. All things he'd found, he'd made, he'd worked for. Even a bottle of rum, the nice stuff, for his father. It was only polite to bring a gift to the host. "You know you don't have to come with me, if you don't want to. I wouldn't blame you." Dread reassured Deluge, the words gentle as they set off together. Really, he was glad that she was by his side. He felt safer this way.

Crossing the border into the Armada felt... strange. Though he was an invited guest, it felt like he was trespassing. Dread hadn't been here since sneaking over the border to retrieve his things in the wake of the incident. Now? Well, now things were even stranger. Taking a deep breath, the boy tried to steady himself as they approached the scene of the party. The kiddo Hazel had adopted, along with-- wow. "Wylan, you've gotten so big." Dread spoke softly, a gentleness about him that replaced all the nerves in an instant. Tentative as he was... this was still his family, right? "Crux, Charlie," the greeting comes with a dip of his muzzle, a tight lipped smile.

On the communal table, he unrolls an offering of fresh fish, of clams. Gifts for his siblings fashioned from mother of pearl, all little bits of jewelry. The pups, much of the same, though much smaller in scale. Finally getting to the bottom of his bag, Dread turns to look for the remainder of the host gifts. He'd have to man up and face Sirius eventually, right?

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1. The first rays of sunshine Soul Sand Cove 05:43 PM, 11-05-2023 06:05 AM, 03-23-2024