
my fate is to rise




Intermediate Fighter (30)

Beginner Hunter (0)

3 Years
11-20-2023, 03:40 PM

Sleep wasn't something that came easy. Not now. Not after what she'd been through. In the days since Tenshi and Vidarr had brought her here, Valtiel had said little. She had lived inside her mind during the day and had tried to survive her mind during the night. The very first night, the gold flecked fae had woken up screaming, shadows with claws chasing her through dark caverns. She was sure that her heart would hammer out of her chest, but she had made it, of course. Tenshi had given her something for sleep that night as she had needed to rest to heal, but the Carpathius woman refused to take any sort of sedative after. She had to power through.

Mismatched eyes of gold and orange stared wide and unseeing towards the mouth of the den. She was still within the place that Tenshi and Vidar shared but she would soon ask for her own space. It wasn't right that she should invade their space. Once she was able to move, Val would do everything in her power to pay her debt to them.

When Vidarr entered the cave, Valtiel said nothing. Her eyes merely focused and followed as he tried to move quietly. The dogs had kept her company, but they hadn't needed to. Now, with their master here, they moved towards him to help with.. whatever he was doing. A moment later, Val realized that he was preparing a meal. Her brow furrowed and, gritting her teeth, the shadowed woman made her way to her paws. Her neck, shoulder and leg were wrapped in bandages, but she was a stubborn fae. If her host was preparing a meal, she would do what she could to help.


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1. my fate is to rise Fenrir's Maw 02:39 PM, 11-20-2023 06:50 AM, 03-12-2024