


09-17-2013, 07:46 PM

i?m radioactive, radioactive

The brute was wandering, seeking only to absorb his thoughts on what had happened in the recent weeks. Tortuga's leadership had changed hands, he had endured a rather unpleasant encounter with Morphine, and had finally set up his life in the pack. He knew now that he could provide a good home for his daughter without staying constantly secluded on the borders of Tortuga. He had nothing to worry about - except his biological children.

Seraph hadn't seen Ares since the encounter in the rock garden, and hadn't seen Artemis or Codeine in much, much longer. What did they think of him now? Did they have any love for him at all? As satisfied as he was in his new home with the life he had now, he couldn't bear the thought of his children hating him. It would be exactly what their mother wanted.

A foreign call drew him to the waterfall like a magnet. He was uncertain why, but he felt a need to investigate the sound. When he came to the place, his narrow gaze fell on the female near the water's edge. She was a stranger - and one from another pack by the smell of things. He wasn't sure if there was any way to approach her - he wasn't sure he even wanted to - but he stood there, only making himself noticed by the clearing of his throat.

Tagged: Eris