
Not what I Thought I’d wake up to

Pup discovery/birth, Beauregard



Expert Fighter (120)

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7 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantCritical Hit!
11-23-2023, 12:05 PM (This post was last modified: 11-23-2023, 12:06 PM by Tanelan. Edited 1 time in total.)


Progress, that’s what they thought they were making. Near the falls their work was coming along it was sort of hard to hide ow. The wooden makeshift walls they and Kaiju set up made the bare bones of a hut kept together with various ropes and mud. It didn’t have a roof but Tanelan had managed to pull some leaves over the top to protect it from any weather. When it was done it’d be big enough to house at least Tan and a small family. Probably about five to six adult wolves if they’d done their measurements right. After propping up another support pice of wood however they thought they heard some scuffling on a side of the falls. Tensing Kaiju jumped onto Tanelan’s back the two moving to investigate this sound.

Carefully picking their way along the edge of the falls the shuffling got louder and the scent of…. Puppies? Filled their nose. Among a cluster of growing flowers and bushes the spring taking over their home Tan saw a tiny tail poking from underneath the brush. Panicked for a moment they rushed forward and gently began moving the brush to the side when they started to hear the puppies cry. What in gods heaven…. Before him sat five adorable little bundles their heart pounding against their chest. Another thing they looked almost… just like them! Perfectly striped cream and slate babies! If they didn’t know any better they’d say Beauregard had a hand in this too they didn’t remember bedding anyone. What if… oh Mika! He’d be the most likely to run off and do something like this. Tan narrowed their eyes, these were… their pups!

"Oh my, let’s get you guys inside…. I wonder what Beau is gonna think the Ravenwood family just exploded in ranks." Little rugrats, a sense of parental need took over and one by one Kaiju and Tan brought them into the unfinished hut. Once in they wriggles around each other. Oh boy maybe they should get some help these pups looked so young the mother must have dumped them unable to care for them. Well lucky for their daddy was here. "Kaiju go get Beau and Payday quickly." before they’d even finished the monkey was off in the search of them. A twinkle in their eyes, Tanelan thought, no need to worry anymore your dads are here to protect you.


Lan has DID and can switch personalities without notice
Mika is considered rated M
Beau may enter any threads as their partner

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1. Not what I Thought I’d wake up to Cedar Falls 12:05 PM, 11-23-2023 01:53 AM, 12-29-2023