

Aresenn <3


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (250)

Master Intellectual (244)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
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Rapid Poster - GoldHomebodyTeacherBest BudsDouble Master1K
Samhain 2022
11-23-2023, 10:06 PM

After he had settled in, it didn’t take her long to do the same. On the topic of his jealousy, she didn’t throw him some line. Her light reassurance did offer him some stability on the matter. But even still, he couldn’t help but return it with humor. “Well, that’s something else I guess we have in common. I’m also a one-man type of girl.” He answered with a breathy chuckle that broke through his one-sided smirk, repeating her own words back to her for the sheer amusement of it. She could interpret that however she wanted. In reality, the idea of making that kind of promise to one individual was an odd idea to wrap his mind around. Rather than pursuing that particular conversation, he’d leave it at his joke and allow their conversation to progress.

Aresenn listened intently as Absinth spoke, though he tried his best to avoid showing it. He couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy as she described the event, but he made a valiant attempt at suppressing his feelings. After all, he had no right to be jealous. They were just two individuals enjoying each other's company, their one shared night aside. As her story came to a natural break, he cleared his throat to interject. "She sounds very exotic.” He echoed lowly. "You are correct in thinking Sephiran would have likely tried her had she lingered.” Karaka may have heeded the advice she was given, but did she really comprehend what mercy she was given? Just a simple redirection in path could have easily saved her a life-altering encounter, and she would likely never know the bullet she had dodged.

Aresenn slowly exhaled, before glancing back at Absinth. "I do.” he trailed off, as if hesitant to continue. His eyes shifted away from hers, gaze searching the air around them for something only he could see. A moment passed between them, slightly awkward in nature until Aresenn finally spoke again. She wanted to know, so he would answer her. "Her name is Andromeda.” He began cautiously. "I think I might have mentioned her indirectly before. She is the daughter of the Armadan Warlord- the one that Sephiran got our asses kicked over. She’s a … friend. I haven’t pushed her for closeness. Nor has she asked for commitment- I couldn’t give it to her if she wanted it.” He glanced back at Absinth, not sure how she'd interpret his words. He had never told another soul about his continued involvement with Andromeda- not Sephiran, not even his own blood relatives when he lived with the Pirates ... but he continued regardless. "She is very similar to what you described. Sweet. Naive. Selfless. I think she could handle herself in a battle of physical strength, but the way I see it, she’s fragile in about every other sense of the word. She is so concerned with the well-being of others, that she doesn’t consider herself. Which is part of her charm, but at the same time, one of the most infuriating things about her.” His words were slow and deliberate, and he seemed to struggle to find the right ones in order to explain his situation. Maybe she could tell this wasn't exactly a topic that he had ever been prepared to share with anyone. "I will never be who she wants me to be,” he continued after a few moments of silence. "We are two vastly different individuals, and she doesn’t see me for who I am- but then of course, how could she? I’ve hidden so much about myself from her. But she sees me for what she wants me to be, or what she thinks I can be. But whatever it is, it isn’t realistic.” That he was certain of. "I’m too selfish to end our friendship ... However, as time goes on I anticipate that it will conclude itself. Her father invited me to join the Armada …” His words trailed off as he cast a glance in his company's direction. "I declined.” His tone almost sounded like reassurance. But obviously, he declined or he wouldn't be sitting here on a scouting mission for Sephiran. He shifted his gaze from Absinth to the stars beginning to peak through the evening sky above, allowing his attention to wander once more. "And I don’t foresee that she’ll be leaving her family’s mantle to join up here. But even if she did, she would get eaten alive. His tone was distant as he spoke; clearly something he had put thought into previously. A likely conclusion that he had already detailed out in his mind.

Blinking the thoughts away, he found Absinth again. Offering her a half-grin beneath suddenly tired eyes. "But that's the soul in my life the beckons more of me- and I pity her for it. I wish for her sake she was as easily steered away as your Karaka was.” Perhaps this was way more than what Absinth had bargained for when she asked. But again, it was she who had asked. And with her miraculous ability to see right through him, he didn't see the benefit in holding back.

"Aresenn Praetor"

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