
I Really Can't Stay-


"Dreamer Of Improbable Dreams"


Master Fighter (435)

Master Intellectual (300)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualTeacherOverachieverDouble MasterStudentSamhain 2022
11-24-2023, 02:13 AM

The gentle grin that Aresenn offers at her laughter has Andy’s eyes twinkling with joy for a brief moment before her own smile fades. By then, the fire-kissed boy’s grin has fallen away and she spies, in that quiet moment, that there is some unvoiced question lingering behind his devil-may-care attitude. As much as she yearns to probe deeper and find out what is bothering him, because she can tell that something is really bothering him, the girl’s attention is instead diverted as the conversation naturally moves on. However, the lavender girl files away that little fact to bring up at some later point.

As she tells him to stick around, she finds amusement shimmering in those wonderful amber eyes and she cannot stop the cheeky grin that suddenly curls her lips upward. Eyes narrow playfully as he talks about holding her down and, as his tones sinks down slightly, Andy’s lips tick upwards even further and she leans in toward him. Voice drops down into a conspiratorial whisper as she asks, “Is that a threat or a promise?” While everything about her is playful, the girl secretly hopes that he will be around the next time she is ill. Not because she wants him to hold her down, but because she wants Aresenn to be there to help soother her fears and hold her close to him when she cries.

The conversation moves on as she inquiries about what has been happening in his life and she asks more about the group that he is with. Pale blue eyes watch Aresenn carefully, noting the way his features shift as he speaks about Sephiran and the other boy’s family and mentions how he is not really close to his own. A small, understanding smile appears as she dips her head in acknowledgement, getting a small glimpse at the truth behind that carefree mask. As his attention falls to the ground in front of him and he stares intently at the empty space there, Andy steps forward and one of her gentle paws lift to capture his chin. Carefully, she tilts his head up until his gaze once more is locked onto her.

Warmth, understanding, and yes, even love, radiates from the girl as she meets his amber eyes and a caring smile lifts her features as she softly says, “It is okay Aresenn. Families are… complicated. While I have not been through what you have, I can empathize with how you feel.” Memories of her talk with him underneath the cedar trees down in Auster comes to mind and she remembers how she had expressed the fact that she had felt like a stranger within her family. While she loves them all to pieces, the lavender wolf often feels like she is cut from a different cloth than all her towering siblings. It is something that is not apparent on the surface but something that she feels it on a soul level. Pale blue eyes search him as she softly adds, “I see you Aresenn.”

Tender paw falls away and she allows his gaze to drift once more while she takes a step back, hoping that he understands that he is not alone in this world. Aresenn offers a tired grin as he moves on, talking about Sephiran and how she must think him a monster and Andy gives her horned head a gentle shake, saying, “I don’t think that. Truthfully, I think he is kind of an asshole but I don’t think he is monster. I hardly know the guy.” Shoulders raise and slump in a shrug. It is the truth since she has only laid eyes on him once and, while the purple boy had been rude, that is the only interaction she has had with him. So, she really can’t form a real opinion on Sephiran… one way or the other.

Understanding dawns across her soft features as Aresenn speaks of being to family and how he doesn’t necessarily mean they are his blood. Again, she cannot say that she completely understands what that feels like since she has been surrounded by family her whole life. A slow dip of her head is given as Andy mulls over his words, her eyes never leaving his face. There is a conflict in him, something that he has not put into words but that simmers just below the surface. With a gentle smile, she asks him one simple question, “Are you happy, Aresenn?” If being with Sephiran and his family is what makes the fire-clad boy happy, then she will not stand in his way and she will do her best to encourage him in every endeavor he undertakes.

In the end, Andy knows that they both have their own lives to led and, while she hopes that one day Aresenn will come join her in the Armada, the lavender girl knows that she could never hold him back from his dreams… even if she isn’t a part of them.

"Andy" & "Aresenn"

Andy has an Eastern Chanting Goshawk named Aquila and two Snow Leopards named Leo and Gemini. They are always nearby.

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1. I Really Can't Stay- Mile-High Woods 12:48 PM, 10-08-2023 11:47 PM, 01-01-2024