
Every sweet has its sour




Expert Fighter (238)

Master Intellectual (255)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

8 Years
Dire wolf

Double Master1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
11-24-2023, 08:22 PM (This post was last modified: 11-24-2023, 08:28 PM by Lurid. Edited 1 time in total.)

There were no words spoken for a moment as they stared into each other's gaze as though they were hungry predators who had just found a meal. The pair of monsters didn't move or hardly blink as they sized each other up like dinner trays, the heat between them crackling almost. The intensity at that moment almost seemed to change even the atmosphere around them as they smoldered at one another, clouds rolling in as time ticked on. Lurid stared back at him with a burning hunger in her eyes, desire tangling with determination showing through. Yes, she wanted him to dominate her in every way. Lurid wanted him capable of besting her, he was her Haihefa. When she could not subdue their monstrous followers, if they needed it, then he would have to. She wanted him to take her over, but she wouldn't be eating that root. Finally, Requiem spoke, his voice sounding rich with his own need and velvet smooth in its delivery. 'As you wish, my love.' As if on cue, thunder rolled in the distance, signaling an incoming storm. This was the moment she knew she was in trouble.

There was no warning from Requiem that he was about to attack, no hint in his argent and obsidian gaze, nor a twitch in his body language. He lunged forward seamlessly, his body slamming into hers with the force of a tidal wave. The breath was taken from her weakened lungs and she lost her footing, down she went. She would not let him take her so easily, Lurid having been seasoned in battle before she was a year old, as they both were in Old Mirovis. His snarls were met with melodic, dual-toned growls as her claws sought for purchase on the back of his neck as he wrapped his forelimbs around her midsection, seeking to balance herself and dig in her nails all at once. Her effort was in vain, in a show of strength that fanned the flames of desire higher, Requiem toppled her to the ground. Once again the breath was knocked out of her and she gasped, the sound was cut off by her mate's powerful jaws coming to squeeze her throat. He applied pressure and she found herself choking, she wrapped her front paws around his head, her hind limbs pushing up into his larger frame, and heaved him up the best she could. He wouldn't budge, and her struggles only seemed to help him attain his hold on her. Her air was running out and the distant sound of a train began to buzz in her ears, a soft moaning growl pushed out from between her jaws. Her instincts kicked in and she began to buck beneath him, biting at him wherever she could and clawing at whatever part of his body she could. Still, he held on. Lurid was both hot and bothered and she loved it, every fiber of her being burned but if it was with a desire for Requiem or a need for oxygen, she couldn't tell.

Back and forth they went, snapping and snarling as if they were enemies and not lovers entangled in one another. She lay beneath him, strewn across the grass like a ragdoll, and loving every second of it. He shifted above her, settling his frame over hers with giant paws pressing into her chest and his fangs around her delicate throat. His silent demand was growled into her neck, the vibrating depth of the sound causing a ball of tension to wrap around the coiled desire within her chest. She thrashed beneath him, her body screaming for air as he slowly suffocated her. He pressed himself further against her, his hind leg coming between hers for a perfect pin, bringing their bodies delightfully close to one another. She shivered at the contact, a strangled moan escaping her lips even as she struggled against him. The sounds he made were a symphony to her ears, holographic gaze burning bright into the silver of his the best she could manage. She saw his lust for her, though he showed her no mercy as he held onto her throat. Her eyes began to roll, and a smile showed on the pale goddess's face. She had asked for this, hadn't she?

She still struggled against him, but her attempts at pushing him away seemed feeble at best. Eventually, Lurid went still beneath him, with his fangs at her throat, body pressed sinfully close to hers effectively pinning her beneath him. She relished the way his claws bit into her skin, the heat from his mouth as it wrapped around her throat, and the way their bodies seemed to fit one another like puzzle pieces. She would have purred and moaned, but all that managed to come out were strangled growls and soft whines as he squeezed her airway with powerful jaws. He did not release her at the moment she went still, instead, he held on until her breath fluttered and she was sure she would pass out. When he finally did relinquish his hold on her trachea, Lurid dragged in a ragged breath, "Req-" Whatever she had been about to say was lost the moment he seized her lips with his. Again her eyes rolled, but this time it was from pleasure. His kiss was hot, demanding, dominant, and claiming as he practically crushed their lips together. The intense passion he offered was met by her own burning desire, soft growls of pleasure and smaller submissive whines came unbidden from her deliciously sore throat. Sounds only Requiem had ever made came from the pale goddess, her body pressing against his with her need as he dominated and claimed her once more. She had forgotten the root, hell she forgot where she was even, the only thing that mattered to her now was fucking her mate until he was blind.

Lurid let her tongue wrestle with Requiem's until she was breathless once more. Enjoying the show of passion and wanting more than Requiem could ever know. She gave as she received, meeting every nip and needy tug, rolling her tongue with his as her own need began to spike. Thunder rolled again, rain began to sprinkle down around them as they lay there. Her lungs burned for air, but she rather liked the suffocating, she decided this was where she would like to meet her end. If this was how she went out, she would be perfectly okay with it. Wrapping her forelimbs around his neck, Lurid pulled him in closer to her, pressing into him and wiggling her hips suggestively beneath him. Between the medicines she did take and her Haihefa besting her, Lurid was more than ready to fuck her mate senseless.

Word count: 1, 127 words
"Speech" | 'Hear' | Think

Code by Sea, Art by Bunni
Despite her adorable good looks, Lurid is quite the nasty character. Use extreme caution when threading with her. Her threads are almost always considered mature, with possible triggers. Caution, this character is rated M for Mature! <3 She is unpredictable even to her author, who decides her conduct by random die rolls. Ilyn is a 24" tall polar bear & Samael is a black Augur Buzzard with a 50" wingspan, they travel with Lurid as her companions. If not directly mentioned, assume they are nearby. As her mate, Requiem is allowed in any of her threads regardless of label. Lurid possesses diamond-studded armor which she uses in battle.

Click the character icon to see Lurid's profile.
Discord: Bird_223 or PM character
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1. Every sweet has its sour Fern Gulley 08:20 PM, 11-06-2023 02:43 AM, 02-13-2024