



5 Years
09-17-2013, 08:34 PM
OOC Name: Mouser
How did you get here?: Followed the migration forever ago
Age: 24

Character's Name: Callisto
Age: Pup
Season of birth: Fall
Size: Will be 35 in.
Appearance description: Callisto is, naturally, a lovely thing to look at. For the most part taking after both parents, the main color upon her body is black. It is a deep pitch, not colored with the lovely blue tinge that her father possesses but a flat, shadowy color that gives her torso a wraith-like quality and seems to cause her upper body to blend seamlessly from head to tail. This ghostly appearance is only enhanced by the lighter, dull grey of her legs, acting as thin, graceful stilts upon which her mass sits, giving the effect that her body can glide around effortlessly over a blurry shadow of swift paws. Where the grey and black meet, at the very tops of her legs near the joints, the colors blend in a series of dappled prints, each color awkwardly transitioning into the other. This same dappled appearance adorns her face, running in twin lines upon each cheek just below her eyes, each of which are lined just below with a thin, smooth strip of the same grey color. The insides of her large, rather rounded ears are this color as well, completing the black and grey appearance she possesses. The only quality about her to break up the simple coloration, though perhaps adding to her ethereal beauty, are her faint blue eyes, a lighter, almost silver-tinged shade that is all her own and unseen among her siblings, though reminiscent of her mother.

In shape, she has taken a little bit from both parents. From her mother, she has her height, evening out surprisingly to stand about level with Medusa if not a half inch taller depending on whether she is straightened to her full height. Callisto does not possess the obviously sensual curves associated with her gender, but sports an angular frame, edged as opposed to soft. Her overall physique is more similar to that of her father, more of her mass sitting toward her front and in her chest while thinning toward her hips, tapering away to make her legs somewhat awkwardly lean and spindly. Her fur is not particularly thick and sits smoothly across her body, and her tail is only slightly more fluffy than the rest of her.
Duty: Pup - not needed yet